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Status Replies posted by siikdude

  1. IF YOU ARE USING A NVIDIA GPU AND YOU HAVE TWO MONITORS, DO NOT INSTALL THE NEW DRIVERS. Sorry for caps, just don't want people to go through the bs that I went through.

  2. Tax returns coming around, gonna upgrade my computer, hopefully a new GPU, RAM, and HDD. ^-^

  3. Tax returns coming around, gonna upgrade my computer, hopefully a new GPU, RAM, and HDD. ^-^

  4. not sure why im not ip banned anymore

  5. >Use win 10 key on dad's pc

  6. >Use win 10 key on dad's pc

  7. >Use win 10 key on dad's pc

  8. >Use win 10 key on dad's pc

  9. Guys I passed my car theory for traffic :) now I need only to do pracitum for the car :)

  10. why am i a Rétired Admin and not a regular Retired Admin

  11. sick purifier feed

  12. jwofles, aspire to edit as well as this guy

  13. Anyone know dates/round abouts of steam winter sale? I cba to research

  14. topkék, went to change headphones because mic cable broke, got new ones and 10€ back because price dropped 10€ since last year :dumb: now i can sell this piece poo poo :angryarnold:

  15. Well, I broke my first phone today (It dropped and finally cracked ;-; ) Need some phone ideas, preferably cheap if anyone has any input.

  16. Well, I broke my first phone today (It dropped and finally cracked ;-; ) Need some phone ideas, preferably cheap if anyone has any input.

  17. Happy thanksgiving, what are you nubs thankful for?

  18. Happy thanksgiving, what are you nubs thankful for?