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Status Replies posted by siikdude

  1. 144hz monitor :angryarnold: MWHAHAHAHAH!

  2. 144hz monitor :angryarnold: MWHAHAHAHAH!

  3. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  4. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  5. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  6. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  7. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  8. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  9. best watch ever, make sure to watch the entire thing if you do

  10. best watch ever, make sure to watch the entire thing if you do

  11. best watch ever, make sure to watch the entire thing if you do

  12. don't join this promod server - - appears to force some commands on you when you spawn as well report it to gametracker as well please:

  13. ... dat bad internet connection....

  14. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  15. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  16. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  17. Hey nubzors, I"m in London atm will go back to Hungary on sunday so if any of you wanna grab a beer with me just let me know. Saturday would be the best for me.

  18. I should say lol instead, smurf LEM too :kingdave:

  19. We had 4 terror attacks in 2 hours in israel