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Everything posted by PC.

  1. Hey nubs (Anti) I came here to do an intro since I never made one think I did on the old forums dunno :D Well I am a 16 year old (Act 3 1/2). I like to play CoD4 all day cause I have a poo laptop and can't play paint or calculator. I also like to do some scripting on my free time and edit deathrun to make it the way I want cause I am cooler than Lossy mostly. I am maybe gonna build a PC this summer but I'm not sure since I am a poor kid (Everyone has money but me in my family xD) I will try and be more active just seem to be working on stuff right now for deathrun :>. Also I like to DDoS Raid with my Loic and cmd @ 12 kb/s which takes the whole server down. :troll: Ask me a question if you want to know more about me (Like anyone cares) Also it smells like Lossy still :sponge:
  2. Yea but i can script better then lossy :) jk Welcome back :D
  3. Have fun Dead ya nub :D
  4. map

    I really like this map I don't care if a map is overplayed if there good :dave:
  5. Gratz to everyone + me not bear lel to help raid become even better but Lossy's holding us back :dave: Glad to become apart of Raid :)
  6. Good that your back from those menus that look nasty lel :)
  7. Good guy to play with :D Good Luck :yay: Make me GFX pls :troll:
  8. You saved me braxi no wonder my hud was overlapping itself not my fault I swear :troll:
  9. Welcome to the forums :D We're not mean like lossy :dave:
  10. Hey sachael :D Welcome to the world of raid where Anti will punish you with his voice and Lossy rekts you... jk Enjoy your stay here sachael and behave m8 or ill rek you :)
  11. I've been out since the 27th :) Good Luck nub :foreveralone:
    1. QueNNch


      I see cod3 get a life pls

    2. Beatthat


      yeah because cod3 exists on pc

    3. PC.


      on cod4 quennch u nab and ik beatthat xD

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. I'm sad I got two down votes braxi thanks :) But I just think mappers can just stop now if people are gonna complain about them but it's just my opinion on how everybody is giving theirs :foreveralone: Edit: Ok I stop now :>
  13. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  14. or make a better map with no music in it :troll:
    1. Arnold


      #nub #faggot #cannot #into #proper #english

    2. PC.


      #ddos #kevinos #=lossy #hints

    3. Darmuh
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. I'll figure it out :)
  16. Found the way to get in GG + Very nice map :D Also do I get a cookie :< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=193JH84yZDU&feature=youtu.be
  17. http://gyazo.com/a7fa67295110c8e285eca6aeab4c9a33 Just some error I got dunno why its doing it
  18. Attempting to make a shop with .menu xD ik darmuh it ruins dr etc but raid has vip :troll:

    1. PC.


      pics or gtfo :>

    2. Headdy


      Don't have them anymore, I'll see if I can rebuild mod

    3. PC.
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. I had banned the hacker in the game and have a demo so stop getting feisty you little nubs Also kratos I was in the game you could have stayed in the game cause I was there you nub :> OT: Good luck you little nublet :>

  21. Uhh no anti is not moving its a troll he just wants to play by himself we see how it is... JOKE But have fun moving :< Take me with you.
  22. Hey everyjuan I got this error last night trying to compile a map and now I get this when trying to play.. I have reinstalled aswell :< http://gyazo.com/e68f11c8380480db21e29e040aadbd6c http://gyazo.com/8301b05c621b735b5b163054fae194f9 It happens on every map any server + Local Servers If anyone knows a solutions please tell me cause I'm desperate xD :>:>:>