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Status Replies posted by PC.

  1. Last day in Colorado...see you all tomorrow :D

  2. http://i.gyazo.com/7d9af8507260963408459e9990c499ea.png Who ever can find me the solution wins vip, as you can see the file is there in 3 different locations and compiled in the two .ff's.
  3. I can confirm AW on pc is good, The game runs smooth, I get around 200-250 fps with a 980 maxed out, the options are great and 90fov !

    1. PC.


      shuld stream it and use my pru hex i relesed

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. beruh wana fite

  5. Alrighty, sent some emails to college coaches...cross my fingers and hope for the best, hopefully I get recruited!

  6. If you're reading this you owe me a puncake

  7. If you're reading this you owe me a puncake

  8. I love this community

  9. Random Act of Kindness: Could a CM give "ItsnotAliA" AKA memphisc his/her donation status on the forums please? They can't activate account to ask themselves.

  10. Lossy is on mandatory break for 2 weeks. He is exempt from all CM/SM duties until September 26th. If you'd like more information feel free to PM me.

  11. Kids these days be like: "I'm gonn' DDOS u, I got yo IP!"

  12. justice made a 93 on an AP world test. I'm soo happy!!

  13. Anyway, he fits an English teacher, handsome, smart, beautiful, amazing. - JWofles

  14. need a headset to play cod4 on win 8.1 and to speak finglish in teamspeak huehue