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Status Replies posted by PC.

  1. Finally moving on from CoD4 and Windows XP :D It's been too long

  2. Would people want easy trap functions? Like RotateTrap, MoveTrap, etc. that are prescripted by me? Cuz... I could do that.

  3. person below me is a poo >:3

  4. person below me is a poo >:3

  5. Never play rvs server never

  6. Never play rvs server never

    1. PC.


      lel i copied raid rank and menu lossy still hasnt sued me :(

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  7. 1876€ burning in my pocket D:

  8. Expect the Unexpected!

  9. FInally got FISH servers running again! :D

  10. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  11. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  12. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  13. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  14. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  15. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<