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Everything posted by sanaan

  1. Hi :P i would like to be Raid Server Admin Do I Accept The Requirements?: Yes What Is Your Real Name?: Sanaan What Is Your In-Game Name?: Windows 8 How Old Are You?:16 What Is Your Primary Server?: Raid Fun Server What Is Your B3 CID?: Don't Know What Is Your Xfire?: Sanaan What Is Your Skype?: Dont have What Is Your Steam?: Sanaan27 What Is Your Origin?: Dont know! What Makes You A Good Admin?:I have spotted many hacker's in all other server's! When i got to your server it was the best of all.Few month'shave passed there were no hacker's but in the last few weeks there are tonne's of hackers.I want to kick em! What Skills Do You Have?:I am best on sniping!And Ak47 n Ak47-u What Clans/Communities/Forums Have You Been At?:I am a lone ranger nerver been in a clan! Why Should We Choose You?:I play cod 4 Since 2 years.I cant say I am a noob!I play cod4 3 to 4hours a day !!!This server is on the top of my favorities!!
  2. You guyz should wish me luck :(