Michael / ExclusionsHD

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About Michael / ExclusionsHD

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  • Birthday 12/13/00

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  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Gaming. YouTube. Education.

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  1. You can always record demos, then record over it with Fraps. Recording is all on your CPU, unless you have a capture card. Sorry.
  2. He translated it to another language, correct?
  3. Lucky for you guys. YouTube is blocked in mine, but with this it no longer is. My school has awful security on their computers... I do this for people at my school all the time. JUST BLOCK THE WEB STORE! :')
  4. This is for basic web browsing uses only. im not going to sit there and type in "porn". I will go on YouTube or something. It is not harming the school in any way. If you keep it to yourself you should be fine.
  5. I will try this to confirm it. I have seen this trick before. Thanks Lossy! Wow that seems hard? Can you make a thread please? Or post an in depth reply. I am really interested!
  6. Wow you guys have some secure schools. I guess this is for small town stuff. I will make a follow up video in the future showing a compilation of ways.
  7. Sorry I have been innactive on Raid for a bit.. I download chrome extensions.. I have been using this for the whole year :3
  8. This tutorial should help some people with getting on their favorite sites at school, work, libraries, or any other place! Video: Please tell me if this method works for you, if not I can always show more methods!
  9. Turning 14 tomorrow. Yay :yay: .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @lossy I thought Raid had a reset or something... I couldn't find my account.

    3. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @Beatthat, fixed this profile's age. I couldn't find my old account, but I guess it is there.

    4. Lossy


      want me to merge accounts together? :dave:

  10. 1. Yes good job. 2. Nope 3. Yes Lol no, but good try. I will never change dates of posts or posts in general(unless it is stickied or something.) Nope. I don't do dates or times.
  11. This is a game where I go to sites, and use the "Inspect Element" feature on Chrome to change stuff on the page. Which can include: Words, Grammar, Punctuation, etc.. So, when you see the error say "Picture #" and the specific error. Going to try to update this frequently, but feel free to post your own ones down below. Easy: Medium Hard: Have fun!
  12. I respect that very much Lossy. Running forums and gameservers must be stressful especially since everyone thinks you can do everything in a snap of a finger. Also, I know that Admins don't want to deal with arguments and corruption throughout the community, so passing this idea will be fine. Thanks for taking your time with responses though! Thanks Tinman for the kind words :) Those pesky flying monkeys are the real scare D: But in all seriousness, I am just a person that likes to give ideas and feedback whenever I can. I know it is stressful running this type of community, so I understand where Lossy and other admins are coming from. And I appreciate their hard work and dedication to making Raid a better place. Which is why I would like to do my part aswell :) KEEP UP THE IDEAS GUYS! :)
  13. Haha don't be scared to speak the truth or your mind. :)
  14. Because they probably think it is a joke. Just let them know it is a serious matter I guess. People fight over the silliest things too..