Michael / ExclusionsHD

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Status Replies posted by Michael / ExclusionsHD

  1. I can't believe cat just broke up with me!!!!!11!1!1!!! :cry:

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Lol I read that so wrong. I read it " I can't believe my cat broke up with me"

      I need help :'D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I can't believe cat just broke up with me!!!!!11!1!1!!! :cry:

  3. Turning 14 tomorrow. Yay :yay: .

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @Beatthat, fixed this profile's age. I couldn't find my old account, but I guess it is there.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Americans, look at the date today before it ends!

  5. Turning 14 tomorrow. Yay :yay: .

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @lossy I thought Raid had a reset or something... I couldn't find my account.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. http://gyazo.com/dcdb2fa8fc0a9da2797a7d2f266c390a - New logo, I used adobe illustrator for P design because photoshop doesn't use true vector so would of been really pixelated :) Pretty happy with the outcome since never really used illustrator before!
  7. Snowday! (More like a Rain day)

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      I live in New York, but literally got only rain and SOME freezing rain.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. dont buy windows from g2a, they are pirated volume licensing keys, they work, but not after re-install or moving windows to ssd :sir:

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Everytime I update Windows 8 I get an endless loop that forces me to factory reset. No more updates.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. http://i.gyazo.com/7d9af8507260963408459e9990c499ea.png Who ever can find me the solution wins vip, as you can see the file is there in 3 different locations and compiled in the two .ff's.
  10. Easy ways to make money? Need ideas. Muchas gracias a tu.

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @Lossy too young for any job. I would though. Minimal Age for New York State is 15 I believe.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. Easy ways to make money? Need ideas. Muchas gracias a tu.

  12. Easy ways to make money? Need ideas. Muchas gracias a tu.

  13. Easy ways to make money? Need ideas. Muchas gracias a tu.

  14. My Opinion: Zoomin.TV>TGN>RPM. (Screw RPM hehe)

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @Darmuh: They were a choice in my mind, but I chose Zoomin.TV.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  15. My Opinion: Zoomin.TV>TGN>RPM. (Screw RPM hehe)

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      @JR Yes it does, but Revshare is huge too. CPM depends on what add connections they have (Ex: Alienware>Google Ad).

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  16. My Opinion: Zoomin.TV>TGN>RPM. (Screw RPM hehe)

  17. My Opinion: Zoomin.TV>TGN>RPM. (Screw RPM hehe)

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      But their revshare is like 60 percent unless you have 1k views a day, which then gives you 70. That isn't bad, but it is mediocre. I like networks that help people grow, and I heard Freedom is great for that.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  18. My Opinion: Zoomin.TV>TGN>RPM. (Screw RPM hehe)

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Zoomin.TV(the network I am in at the moment) has a $3-4 AT THE LEAST CPM. That is pretty good. And 80% Rev share. But I was thinking about joining Freedom's gaming network. MGN. I am unsure. Curse denied me due to "exploitative content" because they don't like glitching... K.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  19. My Opinion: Zoomin.TV>TGN>RPM. (Screw RPM hehe)

    1. Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Michael / ExclusionsHD

      Darmuh who are you partnered with? Also, it isn't all about teh YouTube moneyz. I got 30k views this month and got 10 dollars with TGN, and their support was awful.

      Also, Staab you're mean.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)