Michael / ExclusionsHD

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Posts posted by Michael / ExclusionsHD

  1. Yea, if you go on facebook it says 'this website is blocked because it is in the category 'social'' or whatever.

    Also, teachers can see all the screens and I've heard rumours it screenshots the screen if you type 'shit' or something similar but I've typed that plenty of times and I have not gotten caught ^.^

    This is for basic web browsing uses only. im not going to sit there and type in "porn". I will go on YouTube or something. It is not harming the school in any way. If you keep it to yourself you should be fine.


  2. Well if you want a better way, just use google translator and put in the url and bam, it will show as a web page.



    E.G https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=iw&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fraid-gaming.net%2Fforums


    What i used at college/school :)

    I will try this to confirm it. I have seen this trick before. Thanks Lossy!


    What I did, was I put a xampp or wampserver installation on a USB disk, and then put on the glype proxy on the wampserver on the flash drive. Then I took the flashdrive, plugged it into my school computer, dragged the files off, ran wampserver with glype, and boom, I just installed a local-host proxy server which allowed me to bypass the school's filter.

    Wow that seems hard? Can you make a thread please? Or post an in depth reply. I am really interested!


  3. TL;DR

    Install and use the GOM Web-VPN extension from the chrome web store.


    Why make a thread for this, when I already told about it like 3 days ago in a post ?  :P


    EDIT: Oh I see it's a video made by you on your YouTube channel

    Sorry I have been innactive on Raid for a bit..


    lol, because you're gonna download chrome addons at school/work. :dumb:

    Just use http://unblock.pw/

    p.s most schools have software where teachers can look at your screen..

    I download chrome extensions.. I have been using this for the whole year :3


  4. First on easy, you changed privacy to piracy in the bottom right.


    First on medium, you changed create advert to create ad (I think? US and UK pages are different).

    Second on medium, you removed the copyright sign on instagram at the bottom right.


    Second on hard, you changed 20th may to 19th may for when .exe created their ticket.

    I thought tinman got the other one :cry:


    First on hard, you changed Cloudy's 'taking a break' thread date from 09:02 PM to 04:02 PM

    1. Yes good job.


    2. Nope


    3. Yes


    Got the last one of the HARD ones :3 


    Picture 6: "Started by .exe, 20 May 2014" not "19 May" :D



    Lol no, but good try. I will never change dates of posts or posts in general(unless it is stickied or something.)



    no lol I literally have NO idea for the second one.. the second easy one :cry:

    These took me long enough to find ;-;


    you changed 10:09 PM and whatever to 5:09 PM? Maybe? Or is that just your timezone :P

    Advice for next challenges - don't do dates please because some change, timezones are different and all of this stuff. Ty

    Nope. I don't do dates or times.


  5. This is a game where I go to sites, and use the "Inspect Element" feature on Chrome to change stuff on the page. Which can include: Words, Grammar, Punctuation, etc..



    So, when you see the error say "Picture #" and the specific error.


    Going to try to update this frequently, but feel free to post your own ones down below.













    Have fun!


  6. I don't mind hearing other opinions, i just don't think having that kind of sub-section would be the best ideas on this website.


    Specially when people get so angry over a map, some one suggestion, meet ups, grammar/spelling mistake etc... and aren't able to control their anger to stop and it isn't just one person, it's multiple people that post regualry that do it.


    Hell, it's not even posts that people fight about. I know quite a few people that I can name that gets targeted regulary because people don't understand how to "ignore" some one over the god damn internet and the ones that are targetting them aren't just normal players, even admins are doing it which is kind of a joke and dissapointting to see.


    But people need to remember, me and other admins like to browse the forums to talk to other people, not have some massive debate and sit their having to approve people posts because loads of people aren't able to control their feelings but don't mistake me, i'm not trying to say we're all perfect and we've all make mistakes but a lot of people has to be constantly reminded that what they're doing isn't right. Even if they did it first as it's just dragging you down to their level.


    Which is why i'm very concered about such section on this website and these kind of behaviour makes "Raid" itself looks like a very toxic community and making a lot of people move away from it. And this is not the community i want to be involved in if people i trust to be admins can't behave accordingly and people that join the forums/servers and think it's okay to call people loads of names because he doesn't like some one that he'll never meet in his life.


    So yeah, that's why I'm very against the first option. If people don


    't like my opinion then they're most likely(not everyone) the ones that are causing the problem and don't want to fix it.


    I respect that very much Lossy. Running forums and gameservers must be stressful especially since everyone thinks you can do everything in a snap of a finger. Also, I know that Admins don't want to deal with arguments and corruption throughout the community, so passing this idea will be fine. Thanks for taking your time with responses though!


    Not on the Internet... and not with my level of stubbornness >.< past knowledge advises me to accept and move on. Although I admire your will-power and determination to get your points across. Most importantly, in a collected manner. ;)

    Lossy is Lion though! I wouldn't dare... no, not ever. He has all the courage in Oz to back himself up :( I... I just have an oil can that doesn't even work :okay:

    Thanks Tinman for the kind words :)


    Those pesky flying monkeys are the real scare D:


    But in all seriousness, I am just a person that likes to give ideas and feedback whenever I can. I know it is stressful running this type of community, so I understand where Lossy and other admins are coming from. And I appreciate their hard work and dedication to making Raid a better place. Which is why I would like to do my part aswell :)




  7. 1) If we REALLY wanted we could add the forum and set it to "Moderated Content." This would mean that any post would require moderator approval before being shown to the public.


    2) I don't think all of you are really getting what he's asking for. He just wants a place where members can address all admins a simple question that can be answered. This isn't necessarily bad as instead of responding to the same question over and over again via PMs we can refer to the topic. I don't really see any reason why having a forum for Q&A could be bad.

    Finally someone gets it! Thanks Darmuh! With the Rant section, it wouldn't really be a huge mess if people know that it is not allowed to start fights. Fights and Debates are wayyyyyy different. I bet you guys know it is different, but are not sure if others know too, which I can understand. As with the moderated content, why not just lock a forum that gets out of hand?


    An example of an acceptable rant:

    "Deathrun maps these days are not made the same as they were back in the good days!"


    An example of an unacceptable rant:

    "NAME is a(n) INSULT" (Of course filling in the "NAME" and "INSULT")


    A Rant/Debate section would be great, aswell as a Staff Q&A.


    Just warn people that cause fights in the section(if it happens), then a second offense leads to further punishment.


  8.  @@Bear Fixed it, was typing on my phone D:

    1. A Rant/Complaint Section- Have you ever had the urge to call something out for whatever reason? Such as something you strongly disagree with, or something that makes you unhappy. Share it here!

    WIll just cause fights and other problems- More like debates. There is a difference. Yes there is but everytime some one has a different opinion it turns into a fight because people can't stand other people opinions and end up taking it personally. E.g  map suggestions, the theme park thing and more. So the last thing i need is this sub-section. -Not everybody here is a whiner and/or loves to argue. There are some people i can think of on this forum that I'd like to debate with and discuss rants. And appoint an admin to keep that forum in check. Someone that is mature enough to administrate it.


    4. Admin Q&A- Have any questions for Admins that you want answered, but isn't urgent? Post it here!

    That can be done via pming me or any other community manager or if it's about certain rules you can post in the "General gameserver discussion" or about one of our servers you can post it in their sub-section. - This is if you want to ask one admin. I mean ask many admins at the same time, while others can see it too. True but that's why some forums has "suggestions" and they can ask admin things about that server in there, other than that i see no use for it. - "Hey admins, what are your thoughts on ____" "Hey admins, what did you do to earn your badge?" Just some general questions.


    7. Site Suggestions- Want something added/removed from the site? Post here!

    You can post that in the "General gameserver Discussions" as well. -Site suggestions in the "General Gameserver" section? K.  Still classed as a gameserver because you can have games on the forums. - Okay







  9. Answered.

    1. A Rant/Complaint Section- Have you ever had the urge to call something out for whatever reason? Such as something you strongly disagree with, or something that makes you unhappy. Share it here!

    WIll just cause fights and other problems- More like debates. There is a difference.


    2. Popular Games- Want to discuss games that are popular? Such as: Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, League of Legends, etc... Post it here!

    Maybe but instead of "popular games" only, more like "Other games" with "Want to discuss other games?"- Sounds good.


    3. Console Forum- Have a console? Want to play with other Raid Forum Members, discuss consoles, etc... Post it here!

    This forum is based for a PC community, if you wish to play with others on the console, you can always PM them or make a topic.-Ok


    4. Admin Q&A- Have any questions for Admins that you want answered, but isn't urgent? Post it here!

    That can be done via pming me or any other community manager or if it's about certain rules you can post in the "General gameserver discussion" or about one of our servers you can post it in their sub-section. - This is if you want to ask one admin. I mean ask many admins at the same time, while others can see it too.


    5. Shop(I understand this is hard to administrate)- Want to sell something? Sell it here! Just remember to apply sufficient proof!

    This can be done in private. As I do not want to or anyone else responsible for people scamming. -Understandable. Maybe if they do all transactions through ebay or amazon.


    6. Graphics Forums- Are you a talented GFX designer? Want to help the community with your talent by either doing a free service, or making GFX tutorials? Post it here!

    You can post that in the "Media" sub-section or "Tutorial" section for tutorials. -Ok..


    7. Site Suggestions- Want something added/removed from the site? Post here!

    You can post that in the "General gameserver Discussions" as well. -Site suggestions in the "General Gameserver" section? K.


  10. Raid should implement some new forums! Here are some ideas I have come up with, and hopefully others share their ideas too!


    1. A Rant/Complaint Section- Have you ever had the urge to call something out for whatever reason? Such as something you strongly disagree with, or something that makes you unhappy. Share it here!


    2. Popular Games- Want to discuss games that are popular? Such as: Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, League of Legends, etc... Post it here!


    3. Console Forum- Have a console? Want to play with other Raid Forum Members, discuss consoles, etc... Post it here!


    4. Admin Q&A- Have any questions for Admins that you want answered, but isn't urgent? Post it here!


    5. Shop(I understand this is hard to administrate)- Want to sell something? Sell it here! Just remember to apply sufficient proof!


    6. Graphics Forums- Are you a talented GFX designer? Want to help the community with your talent by either doing a free service, or making GFX tutorials? Post it here!


    7. Site Suggestions- Want something added/removed from the site? Post here!


    That's what I have so far. Please share your ideas Raid Gaming members! And thanks to any admins that take these suggestions into concideration




  11. Yea that's cool. 

    So I was wondering if you wanted to play deathrun later-  oh wait.

    I can. i get 125 fps...



    On lowest settings


    Not a laptop.


    Your CPU is a single-core, and your GPU is integrated into your chipset, which is pretty awful. (Even worse than integrated graphics :dumb:) 


    Your computer IS upgradable, but it's not worth it at all. The CPU's are outdated, and your motherboard only supports PCI cards, not PCIe 2.0, let alone PCIe 3.0. I'd recommend getting a new build all together, as it'd be more functional and easier to upgrade, as I know there can be some issues with pre-built desktops from companies like Dell and HP. 

    Thanks. I will just save for it.


  12. Nothing, I personally think norton does a great job protecting your computer from viruses. However, from a gamer's perspective, norton is awful because it takes up so much of your CPU and RAM that it puts a huge damper on your in-game graphics performance. 

    Wow. I should have known that gaming performance.. But yeah, Norton saved my behind COUNTLESS times from my stupidity. I like Norton.
