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Everything posted by sxk

  1. This is not true at all, whenever I hit an elevator while Axo is in the game he either uses /kill or warns me
  2. The ones that I can think of are blocked as well
  3. The easiest way to get out is blocked on Raid. There are still other ways you could get out but you have to hit some elevators to do that.
  4. I realised this a second after I posted this. Sorry sir
  5. Edit by Mikey: Everybody gets one.
  6. Flaming isn't going to make them stop elevating.. just call an admin if they don't stop after you've told them to
  7. Took this while I was trying some basic mods that make the game look a little better.
  8. Why are you in the middle of the sea? North Yankton or something?
  9. You didn't have to convert the money, we know our currencies
  10. So there's something fucked up in my pc, couldn't figure was it was myself so I was going to sent it to the company I got my parts from. They charge €17,50 just for sending it to them and then it's €17,50 EVERY HALF AN HOUR. Like what even

    1. Anti


      Those random crashes may be from that 1TB of "certain" Mila Kunis pictures and videos

    2. sxk


      Most definitely

    3. siikdude


      Substitute for a few days ago and I will be a good time to get the same as the one that is a good time to get the same as the one that is a good time to get the same as the one that is not a problem with the following user says thank you

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Looks really nice
  12. Set it to DXT5 ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha then try again.
  13. Think you did, what settings did you save the dds at?
  14. Script seems fine, you must've done something wrong in asset manager. Make sure that blendFunc is set to Blend and your Color map is set to no tile.
  15. Select the part you don't want in whatever program you use and then make an alpha channel of of the selected
  16. Tutorial from a guy named FireIceJet @ 1) Get an image that you like.2) Open it in Photoshop/Gimp/Paint. I personally recommend using Photoshop and change the pic size to a power of 2 (Ex. 1024x1024, 512x512, etc.)3) Save the image as a DDS/TGA in root/raw/images. Works either way. Just use TGA for your case and just leave the TGA settings as it is.4) Open up Asset Manager and follow the settings that are on the image that I showed you. (You must remember what you named it)5) Convert it by pressing F10 and it should say 'Conversion Done.'6) Copy the converted file in root/raw/images and paste it in your root/mods/YOURMODNAME/images folder.7) For the material to work on the gun, you go into root/raw/xmodel and find the viewmodel of your gun. Since you are using the Beretta, find viewmodel_beretta. Make a copy of that file and rename it something like viewmodel_beretta_new_tex. Open the file with Notepad++(Download it if you don't have it) and find 'mtl_weapon_beretta'. Replace that with what you named your material in Step 4. 8) Find your beretta file in root/mods/YOURMODNAME/weapons/sp, which supposedly should be named beretta. Make a copy of this as well and rename it beretta_new_tex(The reason for this is to keep the original beretta gun instead of replacing it). Open it up with Notepad++ and find 'viewmodel_beretta'. Replace that with what you named your viewmodel file in root/raw/xmodel. Save/close.9) Assuming that you ported this gun over from COD 4, insert this line 'weapon,sp\beretta_new_tex' in your mod.csv(It is the box beside the IWD list in Mod Builder) Remember to include this weapon in _zombiemods_weapons and dlc3_code(Copy this from the raw/maps folder and paste it in YOURMODNAME/maps folder if you haven't already)9) Check the image in the IWD List in Mod Builder. Compile and Build Mod.
  17. Things like stage 2, it's VERY hard to complete without bhopping
  18. Exact same thing
  19. kid's a mess
  20. asking if the new desk is going to be used for your PC setup
  21. Is the desk going to be used for your setup?
  22. @siikdude What's Ur mean?