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Everything posted by sxk

  1. damn thats so sexy link pls
  2. Specify to load a map, are you trying to devmap?
  3. Rank hacker
  4. Is trash at Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
  5. Uses autohotkey script to bhop on Grimoire Manastorm
  6. I feel like Friday or Saturday around 19:00 - 00:00 would be great for all players.
  7. auto bhopper
  8. Self OW-J
  9. uses elitebot
  10. Uses elebot
  11. My monitor
  12. 974 bottles of milk on the wall, 974 bottles of milk. Take one down and pass it around 973 bottles of milk on the wall
  13. Has very bad editing skills
  14. My first actual Nuke :D

    1. sxk


      Nog everyone likes the same type of music ;)

    2. Anti


      Indeed, such as how not everyone likes nog either :troll:

    3. Tinman


      More easily enjoyable than your type of music Anti ;) Overused tho...

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Fuck Ugly Crocodile Kid's Socks P H O O N
  16. j.... j... j.. jw... jwo.. jwofles
  17. Gamma Labs