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Everything posted by Jezzy

  1. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Nick What is your in-game name?: Jezzy How old are you?: 17 What is your primary server?: Mainly Raid Deathrun What is your B3 CID?: I'm not quite sure what this is. When I googled it a lot of different things came up but none of them had to do with gaming. so not sure What is your Xfire?: YoloSwagga123 What is your Skype?: Datyoloman124 What is your Steam?: xxdeadmau5xx1234 What is your Origin?: I originated from Xbox 360 until one of my friends told me about raid death run. So i started playing and fell in love with death run :wub: What makes you a good admin?: I have a lot of experience with gaming and am admin on a lot of other servers (non primary). What skills do you have?: I have moderate programming skills and have created a couple of minor games. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Rvs, Pxg, Thats all. Why should we choose you?: You should choose me because I have truly been a good admin on other servers and have always wanted to be one on death run servers like raid! :sir:
  2. :( better luck next time for me... :rage: :(