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About iMtroll

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    Old Owner of Raid.
  • Birthday 12/23/96

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  1. lowkey as in manic self depression to the point where you want to cut your thumbs off, coat them in batter, then eat them pretending that they're McDonald's Chicken McNuggets?
  2. It does, Mook said on TS either yesterday or a few days ago that it now saves since he fixed the problem. At the end of the day, they're just making the game fairer by blocking those things imo.
  3. Yes, but the merge will result in pXg gaining EU servers. Raid will essentially become one with pXg and Raid's playerbase will most likely be predominantly on the EU pXg servers during EU hours.
  4. It's the exact same footage he used from his Dragonball video on our server, just with a new commentary. Nevertheless, a new upload showing footage of a raid server to those of his followers who just blindly follow may bring at least some players.
  5. deathrun

    Congratulations. You're definitely the first to do this
  6. deathrun

    You made those credits a while ago didn't you? Anyway, I look forward to playing it on the server. As long as I can still "surf" on the water trap :ph34r:
  7. But if the server crashed and there was no one around to restart it then it would stay offline for ages. Meaning we lose players, we lose uptime, and we lose gametracker rank. That's why I'd much rather prefer to see a restart than a crash
  8. Don't worry about that, it doesn't actually restart the map. When the rotation tries to load a map but the name of the map was wrong it will just restart the map it's currently on. Although it may not be one, I like to just think of it as a failsafe. I'd much rather prefer the server to restart the current map than crash / turn off and give the error "level not found" or something.
  9. It's funny how every active user on this forum knows exactly who the people you're talking about are without even having to mention a name :ph43r:
  10. Hmm, I remember Caspa saying that if it's sourced from Urban Dictionary then it's untrustable in the first place due to the fact anyone can write one? Seems that rule has changed now that it's in HIS favour.