
Retired Admin
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Status Replies posted by iMtroll

  1. I BROKE ALL THE THINGS. I AM SORRY.... Me for admin :)

  2. trol as CM, im outta here :angryarnold: GET TO THE CHOPPAAAHHHH!!!

  3. Do ya'll think csgo will be F2P in 6 months? Good thing or bad thing? :D

  4. Do ya'll think csgo will be F2P in 6 months? Good thing or bad thing? :D

  5. it was spring break this week, and i got sick last sunday and im still sick :yay: :cry:

  6. Ya'all excited for PC release of GTA V? Can't wait till Jan 27th!

  7. Manly tears were shed today.

  8. Manly tears were shed today.

  9. Manly tears were shed today.


  11. If Bolton win against Liverpool my dad could win 20 thousand pounds o.0 He's already won 2,000 pounds by Bradford beating Chelsea 4-2 #HYPE

  12. Lol, previous shout got deleted. Looks like someone's butthurt. Anyways, I'm fucking done with bullshit here, so I won't be around 'till I can be fucked to deal with it again, cya.

  13. Leaving for my holiday in Tenerife tomorrow :) Happy holidays everyone!

  14. sooo exciting! CroshGamer wants to show my new 'wh/aimbot' video! (might be old) can't wait to see it! :D p.s. tho please, admins/managers - don't ban me until everyone thinks i actually cheated! unban appeal ticket takes long time!

  15. Why am I so shit at making music, it starts decent then I ruin it

    1. iMtroll


      Because you started making music a few months ago... And you're learning through YouTube videos and such.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. So... My birthday in a month, what are you all getting me?

  17. So... My birthday in a month, what are you all getting me?

  18. So... My birthday in a month, what are you all getting me?

  19. So... My birthday in a month, what are you all getting me?

  20. Those of you playing CoD AW, can you tell me how you feel about this review?

    1. iMtroll


      So you're going to trust a review by someone that can't spell "final vedict" and says people should check for HIV because Activision fucked them? ;_;

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)