Do you accept the requirements?: Yes
What is your real name?: Joakim
What is your in-game name?: KevlarVest
How old are you?: 14 (15 in 3 months)
What is your primary server?: Raid Fun|High Jump|
What is your B3 CID?: NA
What is your Xfire?: kevlarvest25
What is your Skype?: iloveqsyou
What is your Steam?: joakimtepsa25
What is your Origin?: NA
What makes you a good admin? Well Im Not new i just reset my self by making a new account but this is why. so i love this High Jump server so much even know im not some great play. But i do love talking to the player and hanging out with them and having fun! I Would love to have more fun being admin i know its not just about that but i will also warn people make sure no offensive language and no hackers ETC.. No aim-bot. So thank you for reading this part of my application!
What skills do you have?: My Skills at Programming is a little bit good, I know how to Edit Things, I am a Fast Learner and I Hope to be as Great as Successful.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I Haven't Been On Clans or Communities Since I really choose a Good one and since I got to Raid I got in love with it so I thought I this will be the perfect clan I can join since there is great people and I had great times with them.
Why should we choose you?: I am Online in High Jump Almost 24/7, I'm Very mature and I did learn from my mistakes , I'm a funny guy , very Talkative and I like helping people out with their problems Since I love Playing High Jump and I am very strict enforcing rules for Hackers,Botters,and Bad people so they will think twice next time they play Raid Fun|High Jump|.