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About Bumba

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/25/98

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  1. Don't necessarily like this song, but it has my picture design xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bumba


      My name is Tommy Hughes. I told him in the email to put BumbaWT but idk what happened.

    3. Tinman
    4. jwofles


      bumba is goin' places!

      p.s that song sucks

  2. Endgame? From the start (or a tiny bit after the start where it kicks in) I found this years ago and always loved it since :D
  3. http://youtu.be/Ms5eSsOKk14?t=20s As one of the endround songs. pls :cry:
  4. Oh I assure you I failed :D I have over 3k demos at the end of this (1 demo each try, for specific reasons) It's just cuts :p
  5. Well the max resolution I can pick on cod4 is 1440x900. Even if there was a way to force 1920x1080 I'm pretty sure it would mess up badly.
  6. I would love to but my monitor isn't 1080p, and thanks :)
  7. Hey I thought I'd share my new video here as there is a CoDJumper server. This is a new map which has three ways. Easy, medium and hard. So it's perfect to go on the server if you'd like. Download
  8. >Go on deathrun >Start activating >Someone says I have down syndrome

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lossy


      I'm surprised it manage to spell syndrome correctly.

      @stefan when dr first came out people activated till scumbag braxi added freerun, server owners needs to get rid of freerun to stop people giving it out.

    3. Pixel


      Unfortunately Lossy, server owners do what the players want, which in most cases now, they want freerun. So unfortunately, server owners are too scared to lose popularity.

      Great idea: Spend a day editing the DR mod and rename it freerun and get all the freerun losers playing that mod instead of destroying the aim of DEATHRUN. It would be a great experiment. I bet they would still be playing Deathrun. It's so annoying.

    4. Anti


      Would Technically be CJ, but with a failure state :P

  9. Edit: Oops
  10. So fucked up.
  11. Lol I joined 6 days after you.
  12. The only maps on this list that are fit for the rotation are, in my opinion. mp_madhouse mp_dark_v2 mp_islands mp_oerba mp_to_the_moon All the others are meh and should only be added to the server only, and not the rotation.
  13. You seem to cba to do anything.
  14. You should make a new profile and don't change any of the settings