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Posts posted by *V*

  1. Hello there


    I tried to join raid dr today, And apparently I was banned for wallhack, I've been offline for like months and I came today to play for a bit, I was just fine before quitting cod4 and I don't actually know why I got banned, Hope you explain this.


    Thanks in advance.


  2. The error seems like there were entities in the map using the same targetname as the acorn in the error that weren't created together, for anyone here that didn't know what was causing it. No need to disable any plugins or anything to fix that error


    I know,but saw that no need for it anyway since there was many acorns in the map ;p


  3. My server crashes when I load up the map.




    Probably a plugin's fault. Trying to fix it.


    Edit: Disabled every plugin, I still get the same error. Can someone help me? The same happens for a few other maps too.


    yeh found that acorn and deleted it,it was under the map -.- , anyway should be fixed now thanks for the report.


  4. Then you search for me the new wood texture whats seamless and try to find a good one, then bring it to Asset manager and compile it, then retexture everthing for me and find a other wood texture in radiant for the pillars, so yea cba to do that. And the wood texture doesn't look that bad it looks middle class.


    if you know how many times I did try textures to find the good ones,you wouldn't believe it. anyway I'll release it when I fix some errors ;/


  5. Hello everyone,well idk wat to say but here is some details:


    Map name: mp_dr_onsea
    Map size: medium 
    Traps: 10
    Difficulty: medium
    secrets: 2 secrets rooms.
    End rooms: Sniper, Weapon. Jump.


    appreciate any advice,Thanks 