
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Purity

  1. Good luck m8, you were always a fun well respected admin, hopefully if you keep your activity back up again I think you deserve another chance in an admin role! You got my support, hopefully the lead admins+ see it too :wub:
  2. Looks good mate, interesting map, lovely work as always! @@Darmuh u got a sexy Lt. voice :wub: :dave: GG overall! Keep it up
  3. gimme dat VIP tilkakeh u scrublord!!! :angryarnold:
  4. oi oi shrekky nub, Welcome to forums and enjoy your stay - Copy right to Purity 2k.4 :troll:
  5. windows 8 master race :dave:
  6. Love majority of the ideas above :wub: think Karaoke, Promod scrims, CJ races, GTA stuff and Zombies would be fun for us all :d
  7. ALEC ALEC ALEC ALEC ALEC :troll: it was very funny reaction, I kind want to start playing CSGO, gonna get it in summer sale for like $6 :dave:
  8. Sounds like a lot of stuff is planned for DR already, adding more levels at this stage could be a bit of a pain. But as I am lvl 80 and have unlocked everything, I think the challenges idea to unlock stuff would be great for older players (and new ones too)
  9. So I know a lot of people in Raid record and some want to start recording, but god above I have seen some SHIT quality cod4 game play/recording and it hurts, when it really is easy to do! So, I'm going to show you how I record and how my clips are normally 1080p HD (old video I know just showing the quality) Anyways, This is what you will need for recording well; Cod 4 Player = http://www.cybopat.net/vb_cod4player_eng.php Vdub = http://www.virtualdub.org/ Fraps (optional) Sony Vegas / Editing platform you wish to use. Pre-Recording; You'll want your gameplay to be in the best graphics possible, so go ahead and open cod4 in WINDOWED MODE To get windowed mode type this: /r_fullscreen 0 then /vid_restart Once you have made your new profile, you will want your settings to be something like this (give or take you can change whatever) Ok so that step is Done! Now, when you are recording your gameplay you DO NOT have to be in windowed mode or use these settings when recording your stock footage, you can play on any setting you want basically. For this stock footage you will be using /record and /stoprecord After you have your footage you can THEN put cod4 in windowed mode, tab out and do this next step; Next step is to open up Cod4 Player and enter the mod you use for recording (where it says Mod Name: +set fs_game mods/ ) (so if you were recording in raid promod it would be something like raid_promod) If there is no mod, you just leave it blank or type in Mod Warfare. Hit save then find your DEMO which you have already recorded, The demo should load in the windowed cod4 in HD, if you have a cfg you want to use do /exec cfgname.cfg Ok so you will go to where you want to start recording, and type in this CMD in console to start recording at 120fps (usually 720p) /cl_avidemo 120 To stop recording /cl_avidemo 0 And you are done with your demo! That command will take LOADS of screenshots of your gameplay, you can locate them in the folder you first started recording in. You can quit cod4 and then open up Vdub. In VDUB go to where all your screenshots of the demo are and find the one which is e.g. demo_0000 (always find the one where it STARTS recording). You will want to select all the screenshots of the gameplay and drag them onto vdub. It should look something like this; VIP STEP - Go to Video > Frame rate control and change your setting to whatever you recorded with avidemo (120 for me) Click ok and you are ready to render, Now go to File>Save as AVI and it'll start compressing (if you selected a compression method) After the compression is done you are ready to edit in Sony Vegas. Okay so your clip will be in an .avi format, which is okay, just drag and drop it into your editing software. YOU ARE FREEEE - edit as much as you want, trim it, crop it doesnt matter just as long as you do this important step when rendering. Now, I used Sony Vegas for my edits, so the render settings can differ a lot, my advice to you is to look up the best render settings for you and your editing software, however, I strongly recommend this video for people using SONY VEGAS. That is it! The best, easiest way to record cod4. Now, you can use fraps - this means you DONT have to do the avidemo processes, just hit start and stop record on fraps. I hope this helps some people, I'm bored and decided to do this. Any questions just comment below -Purity
  10. Looks like a really nice idea and program for sound in maps! GG sentrex :wub: Great program that saves time, ill test if you wish. Also, gonna request this to be Pinned - Or moved to a mapping/coding section, as it should be easily found for all!
  11. Could work out, could work for Cod4, CSGO, GTA etc. Would be interesting to see what people think of this
  12. Oh well, we record different gameplays and each have different styles, in Promod recording all u want is NO HUD, and good quality clips, but for DR you want everything i suppose :3 Gl anyways m8, experiment with different things and see which works best.
  13. Good luck m8.
  14. Yeah i probably should have mentioned you need decent comp specs for rendering, but anyways. About the screenshot issue I found this really annoying myself, the only thing I recommend is you just delete the screenshots of that clip once they are rendered so when you go to record another demo the first frame will be the first screenshot. I have never actually tried it on DR maps, I usually only did it for promod where it was 10-15 second clips. But yea, I think it'll work fine, as I said you can replace a few steps with Fraps or Another screen capture, Wouldnt recommend bandicam as it leaves a watermark. GL, show me the finished product :D
  15. Screenshots please? I haven't noticed these HUD errors on my CoD4.
  16. wow two years, glad to have been a part of it all :sir: Don't think I have any videos to share, got some funny screenshots that I will post on the day! Big s/o to all the community managers and server managers/lead admins who have done a lot for Raid over the 2 years :)
  17. Aren't everyones controls going to be the same :dave: unless someone uses arrow keys to move or something, basically everyone's is going to be WASD etc :3
  18. meh, then enjoy having Grapes Quality :troll: I jk, this actually isn't a long process when you get used to doing it, I can have my demo rendered in avidemo and rendering in sonyvegas within 5 minutes, it's just learning it the easiest way for you. For me, this is the best way to get HD for cod4 - others will disagree, but IMO this is one of the best and easiest methods :)
  19. GG TILAKEHHHH bear jealous :troll:
  20. This is more of a status / shoutbox comment than post, but anyways, cba. :dave:
  21. Love me

    gl m8, nice guy and very skilled at web design etc :D think he would be a good addition to the admin team, give him a chance!
  22. west be like
  23. upa ira, yes! Good m8 of mine, can follow the rules and spot hackers, think he would make a good admin if he settled his irish tits in the server n behaved sometimes :troll: kiss kiss, good luck!