
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. Ill miss u both, rohan i will miss our ts3 chats and i will tell pluto :D


    Both of u good luck in school and life, hope to see u back whenever u decide to return.


    P.s rohan u mentioned u haz xbox, if u have online we can play together :) ill PM u my GT if u have online




  2. IMO, i have seen u on the servers a few times and youre fun to play with but idk what you would be like as an admin, 


    Ur 12, barely post and havent had much time on the forums m8 it seems ur rushing this decision.


    But honestly good luck, just my opinion.


  3. If you join any Raid server your connections will appear in the chat box and If it doesn't do what Rohan said.

    Type !regtest and I believe it will say your connections.


    Also i am not sure if joins count as your connections but if you go to portal and scroll down until the end, it will show a small box

    and It tells you how many joins you got.


    Hope this helps  :)


    this. +1


  4. Hello friends, as some of you may find to believe, i actually have a life :dumb: i have a gf, friends and a social life and for that reason i will be afk for around 1 week.


    I am going on a alcohol filled week of camping with a few mates starting this sunday and presumably till next sunday (unless we get kidnapped or something)


    SO yes, just letting you all know i wont be on the servers AT ALL starting from this sunday till next, i will be on the forums tho (unlimited 3G FTW)


    NOTE: ill be looking out for Bear in the woods, hopefully he will teach me his gfx.


