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Everything posted by Twix

  1. I see your hyped vg pape and raise you my own wow fuck snipping tool but too lazy to redo
  2. I wish I was that successful at 18, let alone 10
  3. rip overwatch beta and my 4 legendary skins

  4. not to be a shill / but overwatch is good and / you should buy it now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anti
    3. Twix


      much like my main

      jk mercy for life

    4. siikdude


      tracer has like bb guns

  5. I think that's what he meant
  6. well now I know who asked :p
  7. Wait, who actually asked this? I think there's only like 200 people playing cod1 still, if that
  9. here's my craptop too except I got some shit replaced and it's actually okay now: Specs are all over the place but my father paid for most of it so w.e
  10. I can openly admit to enjoying GoT now cuz I'm actually caught up woo
  11. Your varying degrees of font size impress me But actually though this would be cool, and it's not too out there of an idea considering we already have a TTT server.
  12. We never really chatted much, but I love you goodbye
  13. cu Auntie & good luck in life Raid won't be the same without you
  14. battle born is good, play it/10

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. siikdude


      fuckers always running away

    3. siikdude


      the starting heroes are severly under powered against level fucking 20 characters that smash you in 2 hits

    4. Twix


      storymode is alright tho

  15. Here's to double post scumming
  16. 4 month old thread mate
  17. you look like a mii
  18. I tried and it rejected my cd key but I think it might've been because the game was already cracked Is okay I'm just being lazy
  19. wanna ship me your cd because I don't want to buy COD4 again after already buying it for OSX <3?
  20. GA-H110M-A, MicroATX
  21. Retrospectively I wish I had done that but everything works fine (and low temps) so not too beat up about it. Didn't realize that, possibly why I got the RAM as cheap as I did. I could still OC with the i5-6500 if I haven't got the BIOS update, correct?
  22. Antithesis