Son Gohan

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About Son Gohan

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    Junior Member
  1. well that was easy :O thanks lossy :D
  2. i already did that :/
  3. ... yes that was my intention. If i want to cheat my rank there are other ways but thats not what i want. Im making a map and if you dont belive me pls ask pixel about it. btw as i said, i already get the xp thats not the problem ;). Its just that my compile reflecions fails and i need that to release the map.
  4. Hey all :) ive got a question about the xp script. This is mine atm: #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include common_scripts\utility; main() { maps\mp\_load::main(); thread xp(); } xp() { trigger = getEnt("test","targetname"); trigger waittill ("trigger", player); for(; ;) { trigger waittill ("trigger", player); player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP("", 500); } } when i compile and start it, it gives the error : could not find script braxi\_rank , but when i start the map with the mod ive got the braxi folder in, the script works and i get the xp. So compiling reflecions always fails. I hope you can help me with that :)