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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. But you didn't mentioned Python for the B3, maybe the guy doesn't know which language B3 is :troll: And yet I still cannot quote :rage: ,@@MiKeYehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :rage:
  2. And Python for the B3 part @@atrX :dave:
  3. But 1 picture is 1 ton, so 3x 1 ton is 3 ton :dave: , unless you count 1+1+1=3x3=9 ton :dave: Also why don't I see the quote button? :rage:
  4. :dave: let the war begin, :dave:!

    1. Anti









    2. BosnianArmy






  5. What you could do to improve the security is: -Add the guid, what you already did. -A Username and Password -A alternative question to login, so a security question if that's possible but I think it is Just a idea for the admin menu system, also idk the problem as I'm not a scripter xd
  6. 3x the pictures = 3 ton :troll: Happy Birthday bru-h
  7. Bye and I hope you achieve those goals, don't let ur dreams getting wasted ;)
  8. @Staab omg omg omg :troll:

    1. BosnianArmy


      here a new vid :troll:

  9. 4th video is up! Don't laugh at me plz -.-

    1. Tilak


      OMG he Has a Mic

    2. atrX


      Might want to work on sound balance. ^

    3. BosnianArmy


      sound balance is good lol, but the microphone isn't that good. It's quite old like from 2006?

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  10. First ever downvote from me to Anti :dave: Also nice guide!
  11. Another video uploaded :)

  12. KAAAAAAAASSSSSSKOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP (Cheese Head). Welcome! And oh god, this will go either good or bad way with Bear ;-; :horror:
  13. I think you didn't understand that I said my opinion about something while he changed it already. Just stating something for the next time if he's gonna remove the credits or not.
  14. Good and now Lossy will help, just simply don't remove the credits of the original maker! You wouldn't appreciate that as well, and if you leave it, less work as well.
  15. My second video! I hope you will enjoy watching it!

  16. Happy Birthday mo-ali ;)
  17. I understood that as he didn't tested properly :Dave:
  18. Happy Birthday m-8!
  19. Then why releasing in the first place if you didn't even tested the map on bugs? Do you realise that no one will upload your map into the map rotation if they find out that the map is full with bugs? And if there are bugs that means players will leave the server and will find a better server that's more professionally. Also no images = no interest, this goes for everyone. Not everyone wants to fill up their hard disk with some extra MB.
  20. Sretan Rodendan i sve najbolje ;) Happy Birthday and have a good one!
  21. Happy Birthday bruh! Altough we didn't had the best times with each other, but forget it that's past. One more year to go and you're a grown ass man and the fun with the money starts to slow down xD Happy Birthday and have a nice day :)
  22. You can unban both ways but not Tempban, you can only unban from a tempban via SQL by changing the value of the tempban time or to delete the client
  23. Nope, but works with rcon commands as well
  24. I'm pretty sure that I'm not wrong that you can unban tempbanned or banned people from B3 via MySQL.