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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. See you in 1000 years
  2. No >: you just don't get it and now stop downvoting mehhh :angryarnold:
  3. But you can also change things as unban people from MySQL.... and that I said that it works as a database is indeed wrong, I've expressed it wrong. I had to say it works with a database.
  4. Anti be like:
  5. #LossyGotRekt2K16 :troll:
  6. Wrong button :dave:..... But yes what he said, but remember that B3 works as a Database as well. But manu is ALOT easier since it's gsc scripting and not Python
  7. uwotm-8
  8. OMGGGGGGGGGGGG Those custom map details! Wtf lol
  9. congratz
  10. 977 cartons of milk on the wall, 977 cartons of milk. @@Bear takes 477 down, pass it around, 500 cartons of milk on the wall. :troll: :troll:
  11. Raid Logo :dave:
  12. I think you mean that BraXi made zombies as a trap, when you jumped somewhere down and zombies came out of the caves/holes and you had to kill them for like a half minute? And after that a ladder came down with a nice little earthquake and sound effect, I think it's this map: Also BraXi had a map with a huge generator thing that you could teleport with a timelapse effect
  13. Wing wing herrow, I will start making a map again as I'm interested to do again. Yes blablabalbla I'm a bad mapper but this time I hope it will be different, I will try to improve the map time by time and listen to the suggestions and try to finish the map this time. As the other maps are corrupted I'm not in the mood to finish them. Anyways, the map theme is "Live or Die". Help me thinking of some idea's, fun traps that aren't too diffecult too make since I'm a nooby scripter. And I won't add any custom characters or weapons in the map because custom deathrun mods won't be able to load them as the server will crash then. Also give maybe links for textures if you have a suggestions for this texture for inside the map maybe ? I will update the Topic time by time with the story idea and the to do idea list. Let me know about your idea's !
  14. Why not, :dumb:
  15. That looks nice, but how can I make it without having gaps on the sides and that the other side is invinsible??
  16. I'm wondering how I can make from a terain patch a circle like I have right now.. :dave:
  17. Oh oki, so what could I use as the best patch? or any other option?
  18. The security bars are a circle patch?.. or which picture do you mean ?
  19. inb4 we sneaky peaky and get the source files :dave:
  20. inb4 someone has contact with etheross on facebook or steam and pushes then BraXi to finish dem maps :troll:
  21. Update! Before and after, give me some feedbacks what is better!
  22. Whalecum :troll:
  23. @, most of them are nearly done... :dave:
  24. No no no, you're a lovely bear with a honey boo boo taste :troll: