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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Quite yes since your ISP gives you 1 mb upload speed, as it should be alot more. So that means ur ISP sucks and you pay for the highest price that could be there (idk if the price is high but just mentioning). The actual price that you pay for is 50% download and 50% upload but in your case it's like 80% download and 20% upload for example lol
  2. He can get a reward for most terrible ISP host :Troll:
  3. I bet you got a cracked CD key.
  4. In the future when I'm gonna build a gaming PC, I will use a Xeon CPU, ty for the tip :Dave:
  5. It's for a customer, not for my self :dave: The customer does AutoCAD as work and I need only to put the parts together :dave:
  6. We are coming close to page 1 !!!!! rank 591 btw

    1. BosnianArmy


      remove if it's advertising :>

    2. zander ◔◡◔

      zander ◔◡◔

      how are there still so many dr servers after all these years

    3. Lossy


      half of them are empty, there too many dr servers for the population but ppl don't understand that

  7. My friend wuzziefuzzy released one model for COD4! It's a ghost model, there is a screenshot and a download link available:

    1. Triton


      You do not have permission to view this forum. :/ effort to make account

    2. BosnianArmy


      Well, if you want it or not otherwise use one of the login systems with Gmail or steam or Outlook ^^

  8. 123456, There u go :Dave:
  9. This, As I see it's a sort of a tunnel in the buildings or under a building, make the walls from a wall texture to a ground texture and add some dirty thing under so that it looks like the water touches the walls.
  10. Eh.. I know but as I said, this is not a case for cable management, tried to get all cables together and zip it together and to pull it down somewhere but wasn't that easy as 1) cables weren't that long and 2) the case it self is quite small (the parts in it) :dave: This And I don't know, ask my boss xD
  11. The fuck do u tweak lol
  12. As the title says HELP Since this week I see that I'm banned on Leauge of Legens via my e-mail. Asked my friends if (only 2 persons had access to my acc..) and neither of them said that they hacked on my account and 1 guy doesn't even know how to hack on leauge of legends nor he will do. Also the dickheads gay support from Leauge are like this: They just say NOPE, doesn't even freaking know what for program was being used or something. Never gonna spend 10 euro again on Leauge of Legends.... even though that it was only 1 time but NEVER. Also at the end I've put this extra sentence: And give me one reason that you won't lift up the ban without any proof that I used any hacks or scrips, as I said I would never hack or use a fucking script for a game that I freaking paid for and put hours in it, otherwise it's a waste of a time for ME. So any tip to unban?.. For fuck sakes man.
  13. I see it in their eyes, I don't stop question it until I see it's a real no otherwise I will be real mad at them lol
  14. They can see anyways, so why not
  15. Because they are in real life friends :dave: and I know their accounts as well. But my self I never hacked on that game.
  16. Run the game with your videocard in Nvidia configuration.
  17. Looks awesome, nice detailed!
  18. , use [img= PUT IMAGE URL HERE ]
  19. Rekt some noobs in Gold nova 4, since the last update/patch came everyone got deranked as fuck and I deranked as well because of shitty teams and smurfs so I waited some 2-6 weeks and played again a match yesterday, the result: They lost soo hard that the team ragequit lmao
  20. Then u don't play deathrun that much
  21. What @ said, also give some PC specifications please? and I mean ur GPU. Also read some updates from Nvidia or AMD if there are any issues with the newest updates, otherwise reinstall the newest update, maybe you didn't downloaded it correctly or didn't installed it correctly.
  22. Also from my experience, don't map rush if you don't have that much time or you don't like to put alot of effort for a map, otherwise you will have a rushed map like this one, with same walls, same floors. Basically a map made in 2 days if u didn't had time, or 1 day when alot of free time. Sorry for being a cunt but this will help u :)
  23. @@Rex109 That was sarcastic if u didn't know :dave:
  24. Good luck @@Moseph, I think you did your job well and the best what you could've. Thank you for keeping Raid safe and we will see you around :)