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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Someone got money.. holy shit
  2. >Windows 10 home HA GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
  3. @@Bl4z3 @ I bet you guys will like this song ;)
  4. But.... what about Deathrun 0.8? :dave:
  5. Treeton damnit, gime more songs like these. Didn't know you like the same music as me C:
  6. I don't think that causes the problem, the USB input and output :Dave: but hey who knows. Anyways, try to bind the key on a other key and look if the problem still excists, also go to a youtube video and watch in fullscreen and try to press the Escape button and if it doesn't work then voila, u need to replace the keyboard.
  7. I wish you a good 2016 for all of you and may the people have a better time then this year to the people who didn't had a great year in 2015! Don't get too drunk like this guy :troll: And be sure to keep all Your 5 fingers! :D -Happy New Year
  8. Hello there! I'm wondering if there are ANY good TRUSTABLE website(s) to order PC parts? Please make your list and I will update the top 10 websites what can be used and if it's expensive or not, from number 1 the best and around the cheap area and to 10 the a bit diffecult and expensive area. I need international websites and websites for your own country. I know already 1 website for the Dutch people here. Dutch website: Spanish website
  9. What Imagine said is true, shit hosting. One of the best or better hosting is OVH. You can litteraly buy for 30 euro per YEAR! That's is quite cheap for only paying per year the 30 euro. And the speed is really fast and they have good support and the security is quite good. OVH: OVH webhosting webpage for the webhosting part: If you use the Personal option for € 1,99 per month, that's more then enough. You get 100 GB of storage and 1 free domain. So 1.99 multiplied by 12= 23,88 per year, so not even 30 euro! And to setup a website is very user friendly with OVH because they setup automaticly a SQL database for you and the only thing you need to do is to setup a system where the theme can be installed and with system I mean like IPB etc.
  10. Bump, Updated my topic a little bit, also can this topic be sticked please? :)
  11. So ye why not XD
  12. For the people who play the game Hurtworld, post here funny/best screenshots :)
  13. lololol, also nice graphics ;-;
  14. That face is genious lmfao "I don't know who you are but I fucking love you" -TheFace
  15. Guys I passed my car theory for traffic :) now I need only to do pracitum for the car :)

    1. BosnianArmy


      @Troll, will do it! and ty Blaze c:

    2. siikdude


      in america all i need to do is pass 1 written test and 6 hours of driving and i'm allowed to drive at 16

    3. Arnold


      @siiknub, its not "driving" to wreck your car to the nearest tree kék

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  16. striptease emoticon :ph34r:
  17. U better try the secret, hint: :troll:
  18. wazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  19. So with a income of 1700 for the whole family and the taxes are at least 1100 euro, food is 100 euro per week if you are with 5 people in the house, gas for the car 50 euro in a month etc etc so ye a bit diffecult Lossy :Dave:
  20. People are rich.. damn..
  21. Happy birthday troll :) We're all thankful for what you did and especially for keeping raid alive! I hope you have a good birthday today :)
  22. As the the title says: It's when you open the comment button to comment something
  23. So... to stay on topic.. I post a better picture of me :) Yes a shitty front camera -.-..
  24. :wat: