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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. In the book it says that it couldn't be explained to us because it goes beyond our IQ, Gods words not mine.
  2. I understand what you're saying but really, how did a universum became to a excist and @@Caspa the big bang, from where came the big bang? xD That's the whole point of the start of the living.
  3. You can disagree but you need to think how the fuck did even the universum excisted :) That's the most logical way to think and that means there is someone who created all of this, you couldn't disagree with this. There has to be a beginning, it just simply cannot pop up something out like poof here, there has to be a creator.
  4. @@Lossy if you can create life how does it comes we didn't do that yet? We can only clone but not create. To create life you need something to activate it like a soul... your soul is in your body some where and that soul is your energy for the body but I think the soul is in your heart or in your mind, idk. Also yes there could be life in the other Universums since there are 7 levels of Universums in the Universum which in they are huge and we are in the 1st one. And actually a interesting topic to talk about :P
  5. You couldn't have said it any better my friend lol (well the guy from the radio) but still.
  6. I started at Silver 2 and now I'm mg2. Even MG is easy but of course there are hackers that they need to use a smart aim lock system hack or any other smart system hack that they use. How higher the rank the more hackers... I would say from Silver Elite and to Gn4 is everything legit, 95% of the time.
  7. There are even on earth but you can't see them, yes this is the religion side but of course then you guys don't believe lol. They are called Jinn or Satan, those 2 are different from each others. Satan is not the main like lucifer how you guys call it but Lucifer is a Satan but the main one. Anyways not going furhter into this discussion.
  8. Do it :Dave:
  9. That means we need to rank up higher :D, but they suck hard 1 vs 1 tho :Troll:
  10. I got insta kicked by Lossy by doing that, so probably not :dave:
  11. Was thinking the same but then with Yellow and Black. But this is also possible.
  12. But it's gold nova 2, :troll: Anyways, good job
  13. I would say fuck AMD because of their performance and heat issues but it's very good for the price but for the second PC with the intel Pentium CPU is quite good but the only minus point is that it runs so high at the GHZ that it needs good cooling. This CPU is even overclocked, so you need a good cooling system for sure for this one. I would go for the second PC with the Intel CPU, also more info for the motherboard: This mobo is very good :P Anyways, I prefer to build my own PC since you can get maybe cheaper then normaly and btw if you wonder there is already a DDR4 RAM sockets and this motherboard has DDR3 RAM sockets. So 1 gen behind and DDR4 is alot faster. Maybe you or someone from raid could help you with that to get a better PC so that you won't walk behind the generation, I am saying this because you could play better games then only COD4.
  14. Number 3 for sure, number 3 looks more professional and looks more 3D
  15. Nah it's a prank. He wouldn't write such a long text :troll: Anyways, if it's for real then whalecum back :D
  16. This guy here is back in the game as Admin-Team soon :awesome: (I think) Anyways, good job Troll :)
  17. Suggestion

    Too bad for twitter the excisting plugin ones are working very bad with the BBcode, but I bet Mikey could do all of this. And also a good idea.
  18. Happy Birthday guys!
  19. happy birthday
  20. Stop moaning and play the damn game ffs
  21. Without using Google: Black Ops 1 and then some where near the end mission?
  22. Answer is correct ^^ the quote is said when the Captain woke up from the landing that they crashed with.
  23. This is a diffecult one :P if you don't use Google: %$#%, glad you're still with us-- we're in luck. The %$#% haven't responded to our stellar %$#%.
  24. Yes I know :dave:
  25. Herow and whalecum