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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Clean as mirror
  2. For being admin you have not any skills to be one, on raid if you want to be a admin Raid-Team is very strict and not immature like on other clans like RvS.
  3. I will rek you with akali :dave: altough she is nerved :cry:
  4. I got a smurf acc guys, so if you want I can teach you guys how to play LoL.
  5. Yasuo is skills m8
  6. Hello 12 year old boy, I'm gonna rape you :Troll:
  7. Naw, But still :dave:, anyways lets stay on topic :D
  8. So wut if I didn't posted? :dave:
  9. hahahahaha good one Sentrex xD And Tinman, why should I have problems then? :dave:
  10. I thought you were african ;-;
  11. Yea me :P And dat_beard xd
  12. Next time don't quote the whole picture ffs -.-
  13. Is this the fake Seabass one?.. Because I think there is a Seabass (If I'm not mixing names now) who is Bosnian and he is very mature.. Anyways, the way how you write looks like you only want the "admin-ship" to have power on the server and that you can command other players what you don't like. And I don't believe you at all that you are 16 years old otherwise you would be totaly different in being mature in writing. Sorry m8, but you won't get the admin power for 100% since people saw you raging towards people/ insulting people etc etc. If you want to being a admin you need to follow these few things with your clean part of your heart: 1. Be active in the server + the forums 2. There should be a meaning why you want to be admin (a true meaning) 3. You should make screenshots of other players who are hacking/cheating/racism/insulting other people hardly/raging on activator etc 4. Be mature in situations as a wanna be admin (if you want to be a admin), if he/she doesn't listen get a admin, if the admin isn't online follow option number 3 (making screenshots)
  14. Not bad as first song, but what I want to see is the improvement of by using better chords and not too early (the upcoming drop beat). This is a maybe a new idea aswell for you guys: Make a guitar song in the beginning that slowly turns into a big electro dance drop. And I will for sure support your youtube channel by subscribing it ;)
  15. Ownage :3
  16. Hmm ok
  17. Hello there, I started a new deathrun map since my latest one isn't good and people call it bad aswell whats true :dave:. Anyways I think this is a MUCH better map what I made, easy design and got some rare orignal traps aswell (and with rare I mean these traps are used in 1-2 maps). I hope to get some GOOD feedback from you guys to improve my map, btw give a feedback about endrooms aswell. And yes.. I am going to fix the ugly view ofc (going to fix that with water, placing water until you can see only water). *Why I choose this theme* Well it is a easy design and looks good though and I was going to make like this one: I know it doesn't look 100% like on the picture but it looks like quite a bit. Anyways going to put a fog aswell (the same fog as at rooftops map). I got a video aswell with working traps (not all, didn't finished them yet). VIDEO:
  18. I will think about that, tbh need to think how to get the moving mines (and how to get those mines..) and to let explode them at the jumpers path
  19. I think I will go for shore, But now trap ideas from the pic what I've posted?
  20. I am so good that I carry with intermediate bots 1 vs 5 :troll:
  21. :wat:
  22. Isn't that between challanger and Diamond? :dave:
  23. Your statement is invalid, the max division is challanger.
  24. If you want, I can try to carry you out of there, because bronze 4 is just bunch of kids there who instalocks and who doesn't play as team.
  25. Good or bad? D: