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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. It is, but she had to finish it. I watched this WIP map over twitch when braxi was making it, damn awesome map
  2. Hello there, I'm wondering whats the script for to move a xmodel helicopter ?? I know moveZ means it goes up but what are others 2? the Y and X ? I need only the script that it goes forward with the brushmodel (clip_nosight_metal). If you can help me through it I would appreciate it. -BosnianArmy
  3. Found the fking problem, those planes from mp_terminal remake caused the fking problem.. now I can compile again great but now I don't have planes >: (.. *Edit* Fixed my map, now I need new planes.. although I spend 2 hours texturing that damn plane..
  4. I am getting this 2 errors.. Why the fk I can't delete this in radiant?.. can't select it even though >: (
  5. Whats the max to have reflection probes in a map?..
  6. Check my post above. And I deleted now the auto.grid file thing and the b3sp, compiling again and will see if it compiles now good
  7. OK.. WAUW It doesn't compile somehow! wtf.. I removed a ugly xmodel plane yesterday and put alot of new things inside and doesn't show up so that causes the problem.. how the hell it didn't compiled
  8. Its the same, I've checked it
  9. trigger_use_touch
  10. player causes the problem aswell
  11. For the text You activated this ^9deadly ^7trap! ? And it works yes
  12. I took time now for the error what I've posted above your comment. And I have no idea why I am getting this error since I copied and paste it because its the same trap as the other one but in a another name and yes I checked the radiant and in the gsc
  13. OK.. now I'm getting a error with this.. trig waittill( "trigger", user ); Undefined is not an object These are the scripts: removeplanebridge() { trig = getEnt ("removeplanebridge_trig", "targetname"); removeplanebridge = getEnt ("removeplanebridge", "targetname"); trig waittill( "trigger", user ); user iPrintLnBold( "You activated this ^9deadly ^7trap!" ); trig delete(); while(1) { removeplanebridge hide(); removeplanebridge notSolid(); wait 2; removeplanebridge show(); removeplanebridge Solid(); wait 5; } } removeplayerclipladder5() { trig = getEnt ("removeplayerclipladder5_trig", "targetname"); removeplayerclipladder5 = getEnt ("removeplayerclipladder5", "targetname"); trig waittill( "trigger", user ); user iPrintLnBold( "You activated this ^9deadly ^7trap!" ); trig delete(); { removeplayerclipladder5 hide(); removeplayerclipladder5 notSolid(); wait 5; removeplayerclipladder5 show(); removeplayerclipladder5 Solid(); wait 1; } }
  14. :facepalm:.. I over view that part.. forgot to change it though.. thats when you get stressed and forget some things >: :facepalm:
  15. We sir never use X Y Z in Netherland, only if you are going for metal and that such stuff but in general nope. And btw the script doesn't work. I'm getting this error: And I knew that already about the Radiant X Y Z
  16. I was asking for help if this script would not cause errors :> and I just figured out that Y is forward and X is right or left and Z is just up if I'm not wrong :P
  17. Btw what I ment moving forward is this, I'm not sure if this script will work, if someone can fix this can I would be glad :P: movehelicopter1() { trig = getEnt ("movehelicopter1_trig", "targetname"); heli = getEnt("movehelicopter1", "targetname"); clips = getEnt("movehelicopterclipbrush1", "targetname"); clips enableLinkTo(); time = 3; for(;;) { trig waittill ("trigger", player); { movehelicopter1 moveY(121,1); movehelicopter1 waittill("movedone"); wait 5; movehelicopter1 moveY(-121,1); movehelicopter1 waittill("movedone"); } }
  18. May ask what is that glow script line ?
  19. Ehm I ment only to move forward :P, but I guess this will help aswell ?
  20. So.. like this? :P self as players[i] iprintLnBold("^9Badman!"); self as players[i] GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp");
  21. So only, "self as players" ??
  23. Ty, and btw can I place this script in the script what you gave? players[i] iprintLnBold("^9Badman!"); players[i] GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp"); //put here any weapon
  24. Ty but what does this do? onSpawn() { level waittill( "player_spawn", player ); player thread Guids(); }
  25. This will need alot of training to understand the basics I guess... Anyways good tutorial!