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Everything posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Then be smart :dave:
  2. Please insert the (zombie survival shooting) from ur old WIP map into that one please :> OR FINISH THAT WONDERFULL MAP >: ( :fff:
  3. I don't believe you that this is 2 days of work >: :fff: Anyways looks much better :o
  4. What Rohan actually said, God gave us chickens for a reason :dave: 1. It does got meat 2. It does got eggs And with those eggs a chicken can grow :facepalm:, do you really think chickens will die out because humanity eats chicken? I don't think so and its even impossible lol. And about the meat, its very healthy for us to eat chicken because it got protein and iron dust
  5. What he said
  6. I will do max 20 lines if he starts :P
  7. Please fuck off with your fake chrisianety stories.. "holy water" ... :facepalm:
  8. *cough*TwixIsNotDelicious*cough* :dave:
  9. Well the best tip is: Go try PC and Console at the sime time. Play the 1-2-3 same games on PC and on console and see whats better then.
  10. I disliked you about this "Overall, buying a console would be cheaper", that is totaly not true. 1. You pay for the console Xbox one price: $499/ PS4 Price: $400 2. Where are the games? 40 euro minimum for a good game/ new games and then paying for each single game for that 3. Paying for a dumb network for them (Xbox live and Playstation Live) 4. You want a extra controller costs about 50-60 dollars aswell 5. Less better graphics then on PC So if I would calculate it you will get this price with 4 games what is not alot: 695 euro random (for couple of games with console and extra controller and PSN Network card). And then in the future you are still paying for the games again 40-50-60 euro and calculate that up and you will get up to 800+ euro. And for PC you build once a custom gaming PC and you can play free games or buy 1 game what is really enjoy able or crack the games on the PC whats on a console not that easy or impossible to crack. But if you want "gaming only" then I would go for the PS4 since PS4 is made for gaming only, but my self I would go for the PC gaming because it has better graphics, less internet connection problems and its funnier then on a console to play etc etc.
  11. I hope this helps you out what we are thinking rightnow.. :/
  12. You litteraly made me laughing, lmfao.. xD
  13. So I can't share my opinions or talk about this subject? And @Staab, I do think that I am right at some things like drugs. Why the fk do you even want drugs when its killing you :> anyways nvm. But I never think I am "always" right..
  14. I don't understand this part, "Take it from someone who's been in groups exactly like that". And, for some of you. I didn't said there are no true friends there are some true friends but mostly not. The only true friend is your own brother or sister or dad or mom NO one else mostly. You can't even trust your family correctly like your uncle etc. I don't say this is always, but I say what can happen or whats sometimes.
  15. Parenting has to do it with socialise aswell, like who are his friends exactly from my kid? are they good or bad? or middle? A parrent or Parents, needs to teach their kids as first that a friend is not a friend when he does bad things and that it is not a good person inside and outside. Etc
  16. Lmfao, the standard excuse hahah
  17. *edit* I pressed quote in place of edit lol and I posted it then :> please delete this one.
  18. Didn't saw the fully play fight :p, In the beginning it went rough a bit then I skipped that part, but I watched again and it was just a play fight what you said :P And btw... some kids these days.. they think they are some grow up majors lmfao.. I did arm wresteling with my little brother who is 11 and I'm 17, I know that I win easily from him so I said use your 2 arms with your whole body to beat me while I use 1 arm, and I win still easily lol. Same thing as my dad, I use 2 arms to him and he wins like I used with 1 arm lol. What I try to say is that these kids now a days think they are something and + strong, but when they are in problems they are scared as fuck and gets probaly beat down with 1-2 punches or just a kick on their ass and lets him free to run away. I call this BAD PARENTING for these kids like this.
  19. 1. A true friend will mostly help you out when he can, stories or not this is what I said 2. That is not play fighting thats just fighting. Play fighting is totaly different 4. Yes talked, but HOW.. You know that people can talk behind their back with full of hate+jealousness. For example: Friend 1 and friend 2 are two "good" friends. Friend 1 goes to another friend, they 2 talk behind the back of friend 2, they are talking about his good looking girlfriend (jealousness). Those 2 said, they are going to say to his girlfriend that he had sex with a another girl and will give a phonenumber of their girls and that girl plays the act with them. See? this is what I mean with number 4.
  20. Let me teach you something and for others aswell. These people like this, they don't give ANY SHIT about their "friends" and the people out of their circle. 1. Is he prepared to catch a bullet up for you? 2. Why are some people fighting each other if they are friends? and with fighting I don't mean play fighting, you got some really stupid dumb people who fights real for fun or just to see who is "stronger" to show to other people.. 3. If they get a problem what you did nothing they will blame you 4. They will talk behind your back ETC I understand rightnow what you ment Pixel by the first post when I saw the video of the 2 kids.
  21. Looks quite good, but the whole map is with the same texture. A bit boring but the map looks good :3
  22. Looks quite good :dave:
  23. You are doing double work :> First you take the spawns and then rename them and then with the other one aswell. And the our way is just click and paste :D
  24. If someone could gift me COD4 I will apreciate it :dave: Or I need to wait for my for since I got a interview today at 11 AM! :DDDDDDDDDD PS: I am going to wait definitely for the sale of COD4.. this is really ridicelous this price..
  25. I pay 40 euro's per month for my internet (120 mb/s download and 26 mb/s upload) So 53 dollars