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About BosnianArmy

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    Without a doubt, everyone is a noob 24/7
  • Birthday 04/03/15

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  1. I had my first driving lesson today c: went good ;o he said I had skills lol

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    2. BosnianArmy


      At 16,5 you can take lessons, at 17 you can take exam and if you passed the exam you can't driver alone as you need a supervisor next to you who has 5+ years of driving experiences and at 18 you can driver alone.

      Started now as it's a bit more useful than I start at 17 because you don't need a supervisor and I saved some money by this time xd

    3. Anti


      I said it before and will say it again, shouldn't be trusted to drive m1911

    4. BosnianArmy
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