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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. What Imagine said is true, shit hosting.


    One of the best or better hosting is OVH. You can litteraly buy for 30 euro per YEAR! That's is quite cheap for only paying per year the 30 euro. And the speed is really fast and they have good support and the security is quite good.



    OVH webhosting webpage for the webhosting part:


    If you use the Personal option for € 1,99 per month, that's more then enough. You get 100 GB of storage and 1 free domain. So 1.99 multiplied by 12= 23,88 per year, so not even 30 euro! And to setup a website is very user friendly with OVH because they setup automaticly a SQL database for you and the only thing you need to do is to setup a system where the theme can be installed and with system I mean like IPB etc.


  2. or your family just poor/don't know how to save up lmao


    So with a income of 1700 for the whole family and the taxes are at least 1100 euro, food is 100 euro per week if you are with 5 people in the house, gas for the car 50 euro in a month etc etc so ye a bit diffecult Lossy :Dave:


  3. That's the style that people take now a days :dave:, I would say yes, it fit's for every man (almost every man) but do NOT keep letting grow your top hair or you will get this size..




    Actually for this man it does fits but for most people out there? it looks like they are freaking gay but they aren't xD, just a tip.


    I would go more like this:




    Around the head, not too much cut and on top don't let it grow too much
