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Status Replies posted by BosnianArmy

  1. I dont want share my mind ! :P

  2. When MIKEY deletes you on Facebook :( and now he's going to die

  3. Kid was arrested at my high school today for bringing a gun. Rumors being shared through text groups state that it was just a toy one :dave:

    1. BosnianArmy


      But the kid is stupid enough to bring a fake gun to school.. of course they will think it's a real gun lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I did more music stuff pls listen lol

    1. BosnianArmy


      When will you start a Youtube channel for making ur own music?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. someone is making a surf game

  6. DeadEcho was here! :D

  7. Anyone who's wondering about the website from Xenia-Gaming, the website will go down for some time. I will reinstall the whole website to let it be fresh and nice, no errors or any mistakes. Delete this status if you think this is advertising.

  8. Anyone who's wondering about the website from Xenia-Gaming, the website will go down for some time. I will reinstall the whole website to let it be fresh and nice, no errors or any mistakes. Delete this status if you think this is advertising.

  9. Anyone who's wondering about the website from Xenia-Gaming, the website will go down for some time. I will reinstall the whole website to let it be fresh and nice, no errors or any mistakes. Delete this status if you think this is advertising.

  10. I've just watched 7 movies in a row, i am tired as fuck but it was worth it!

  11. Anything new happening here? Kinda miss this place..

  12. Guess what noob just got a Chroma 3 case in his first Competitive match ;P

  13. Was playing Star Wars RP on GMOD. They take it very seriously