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Posts posted by BosnianArmy

  1. Learn basic scripting before creating a map, the whole syntax is wrong on your code above, i've seen you making maps for dr for like 1 or 2 years now, and you still don't know the basics of scripting?


    Also, don't wanna sound rude or anything, but a 5th grader probably knows the x, y and z axis, a quick google search would've done it. about your heli problem, it depends in what direction your heli is looking at radiant shows you the x and y axis




    We sir never use X Y Z in Netherland, only if you are going for metal and that such stuff but in general nope. And btw the script doesn't work.


    I'm getting this error:





    And I knew that already about the Radiant X Y Z


  2. Btw what I ment moving forward is this, I'm not sure if this script will work, if someone can fix this can I would be glad :P:

    	trig = getEnt ("movehelicopter1_trig", "targetname");
    	heli = getEnt("movehelicopter1", "targetname");
    	clips = getEnt("movehelicopterclipbrush1", "targetname");
    	clips enableLinkTo();
    	time = 3;
    		trig waittill ("trigger", player);
    	movehelicopter1 moveY(121,1);
    	movehelicopter1 waittill("movedone");
    	wait 5;
    	movehelicopter1 moveY(-121,1);
    	movehelicopter1 waittill("movedone");

  3. Make the Xmodel a script_model, link the clip to the script_model (heli), Make the helicopter move UP to an origin in the sky, make origins for the path you want the helicopter to take. Here's the script:


    	trig = getEnt ("trig", "targetname");
    	heli = getEnt("helicopter", "targetname");
    	clips = getEnt("clipsandshit", "targetname");
    	glow = getEnt ("glow", "targetname");
    	org1 = getEnt ("heli_org1", "targetname");
    	org2 = getEnt ("heli_org2", "targetname");
    	org3 = getEnt ("heli_org3", "targetname");
    	org4 = getEnt ("heli_org4", "targetname");
    	clips enableLinkTo();
    	time = 3;
    		trig waittill ("trigger", player);
    		if (player isTouching(trig))
    			clips linkto (heli);
    			heli moveto (org1.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli moveto (org2.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli moveto (org3.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli moveto (org4.origin, time);
    			wait 1;
    			heli waittill("movedone");
    			heli unlink();

    Haven't tested it, report here if anything is fucked up with the script.



    Ehm I ment only to move forward :P, but I guess this will help aswell ?


  4. Hello there,


    I'm wondering whats the script for to move a xmodel helicopter ?? I know moveZ means it goes up but what are others 2? the Y and X ?


    I need only the script that it goes forward with the brushmodel (clip_nosight_metal). If you can help me through it I would appreciate it.





  5. When a player spawns it'll thread the Guids() function, so all you need to thread in main() is onSpawn(). ;) Just something to show off how to use it.


    Ty, and btw can I place this script in the script what you gave?

    players[i] iprintLnBold("^9Badman!");
    players[i] GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp"); //put here any weapon

  6. Yes, that means you're adding unnecessary functions which is equally big of a mess... Always keep your code short (if possible), nice and clean.


    Anyways, here's probably one of the most efficient ways to go about it: Just in case you're still looking for a good one. :dave:


    Ty but what does this do?

    	level waittill( "player_spawn", player );
    	player thread Guids();

  7. > Spawn


    Your script would become a mess with multiple GUIDs, I'd recommend using a variable to store the player's GUID.


    Not if you copy and paste the whole script and name it under a other thread


  8. This is a fun script to :D

    	wait 6;
    	players = getentarray("player", "classname");
    		if( GetSubStr( players[i] GetGuid(), 24, 32 ) == "placehereyourguid" ) //place the last 10 numbers/letters of your guid
    		 	players[i] iprintLnBold("^9Badman!");
    			players[i] GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp"); //put here any weapon

  9. Isn't that just exactly the same as everyone elses? ^^


    EDIT: The only difference i see is that you added these two to the zone file and renamed Your original csv to stayhigh_main and made a seperate csv, But if that works then good on you!




    You need to make of course more then 1 csv for your song. 


    So it will be:





    etc etc


  10. Pls Bosnian, mine and Staabs work for everyone except you. Which leads me to believe you're not doing it correctly, to blame us for it not working is ridiculous.

    At least the problem is fixed now

    Don't be expecting too much help from me in the future.



    I'm sure more people got the same problem because Robin had the same problem. Triton tried litteraly everything what he got to fix it but nope it didn't worked. And why being such a dick now with this sentence? "Don't be expecting too much help from me in the future." #Sentrex







    What the problem was, is the tutorials from Sentrex & Staab >: (.. I bet there is a error in the soundaliases/music script. Because Robin's method works 100%.


    What you need to do is make a csv file for the soundaliases named (the mine is stayhigh_main and stayhigh_bitch) in RAW/SOUNDALIASES.



    The code for soundaliases is:

    name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max???,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,secon?d?a?ryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage

    And then the music script in your map .gsc, this one is for randoms:

    thread music();
    	rand = randomInt(2);//When you want for example 4 random songs, make from number 2 to a number 4
    	if(rand == 0) //random song 1
    	else if(rand == 1) //random song 2
    	//else if(rand == 2) Random song 3 
    	//else if(rand == 3) random song 4
    	//	ambientPlay("stayhigh_main");

    And the last step is to put this in your "Update Zone Files":

    If you want 4 different songs you need 4 different of these, for example:

    And the last stap is, make a IWD file named mp_dr_yourmapname and make a folder inside there named sound and inside the folder sound make a folder named music. And in the music folder place there the song.


    And done! this is alot easier then the tutorial from Staab and Sentrex.. and without any errors aswell.





    Thank you Robin! and thanks aswell to Triton/Staab/Sentrex for helping me trough xfire/teamviewer, srry but Robin's method works.


  12. Reinstalled COD4.. and mod-tools but nope! still nothing


    But I'm wondering now, the tutorial from staab and then the script, this one:

            wait 10;
            random = randomint (3);
            switch (random)
                    case 0: Ambientplay("airplanes");
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix");
                                    wait 1.0;
                                    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 B.O.B - Airplanes feat Hayley Williams - Feint DnB remix");

    Do you need to thread it? Because I thread it.





    Tried without and with threading it, now the error is gone and ain't getting nothing now, what the fk is happening?..


  13. My theory is, if your usermaps and mod folder are in "compatibility files" then it may be causing the problem. Compatibility files are stored in AppData. I reckon that's why mine doesn't work.


    I think I know the problem.. Since I bought my laptop for school and for home I saved COD4 on my USB from my old pc and just paste it on my laptop and works perfect lol but I think thats the reason why it doesn't work.. Well lets try to install COD4 again :dave:.. and install modtools etc there.
