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Posts posted by BosnianArmy



    17:13 - BraXi is now Online.
    17:13 - BraXi: mrrrrmrrrrmrrrmrrrrmrrr :3
    17:30 - Bear: brrbrbrbrrbrrbrbrrbrrrbbrrrrrr :3
    17:34 - BraXi: do$o$o$o$o$o$o$o$o$o$o$h :3
    17:34 - BraXi: c:<
    17:34 - Bear: brrbrbrrrr brrrbrbrrbrrrrrrrr brbrr brbrrbr brrbrbrbrrrrrrrrrrrr >:C
    17:34 - Bear: brbrbrbr brrbr >:C
    17:34 - BraXi: dat is allways working
    17:34 - BraXi: bear now thinks "wai u do dis"
    17:34 - Bear: wai u do dis? :C
    17:35 - Bear: bear sad



    braXi wants the D of the big bear :troll:


  2. Hmm.. about the endrooms.


    Here is my list :Dave::


    1. A endroom with stormfight with bazooka's
    2. Frozen water fight, you go in a hole and swim to each other and fight with what ever
    3. Snowbal fight what Headdy said xD
    4. Escaping the avalanche
    5. Tank fight in a storm

    This was my list :>


  3. First of all,


    I never said I am king of mapping and I even don't think like that way.


    Second, I accept the opinions and I don't care if you like it or not, but I care if you can't be serious at some things without testing with it.


    Third, the feedback from Kratos and Staab. Those are the only good feedbacks what I've heard.


    4TH, The map is not always about the "looks".. I know by my self that the map doesn't look 100% perfect.. But it is fun to play because there are funny traps out there and some are hard ones and the map has a good looking sphere.


    This was what I had to say, now back on topic and say now only YES or NO if the map can be tested to play on the server for a few days! and then complain to let it be on the rotation or not.


  4. If you can't deal with criticism don't make a map. Seriously in deathrun there's a shit load of bad maps. We don't need another! If you cant make a good map with unique traps and design then leave it to others that can! I don't want to hurt your feelings, I'm sure you put a lot of energy and working hours into the map, but please learn more to make a decent map. I'm sure you can do it! :-)

    This map has some unique traps :facepalm: I guess

    And headdy, the map looks atleast alot better then from other beginners xd


  5. Firstly, wat? :wat:


    Secondly, no offense. But I think the only reason you suggested this was because you made it.



    Seriously? You think the map is so good that no one can dislike it? Pfff please :dumb:




    waiting for the downvote :ph34r:



    1. Did you played the map? I don't think so


    2. Ofc I defend the map since people can't be serious about some things


    3. Go play the map and see if its easy or hard ;)


    4. Alot of people said it is a fun map on other server/s.


  6. Hmm.. the reasons:


    1. America wants power (the politicals)


    2. America wants money (the politicals)


    3. America doesn't give any shit about you (the politicals)


    4. The dumb media is always fake story like about the Muslims


    5. They spy you when they want..


    6. America interfere with everyone in the world..
