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Status Replies posted by BosnianArmy

  1. I shall reveal my old identity soon enough.

  2. I shall reveal my old identity soon enough.

  3. LOL. Tried to pierce my right ear, failed horribly. Now it's swollen and sensitive. Never pierce by urself, go to a professional. Please.

  4. Currently sitting in a hospital bed, had to have an operation on my balls because I had 'testicle torsion' it's very serious and could result in losing a testicle in under 6 hours, I didn't loose one, make sure you guys never get it as it's the worse pain ever, both before and after surgery

    1. BosnianArmy


      Good luck Staab, sorry to hear about that, I hope everything goes well!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  5. YOU BETTER NOT GET RID OF THE OLD THEME MIKEY OR ELSE THERE WILL BE H*** TO PAY :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold:

  6. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  7. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  8. I'm gonna have my first social interaction in 3 years on Oct 28th. Shit sounds spooky, yo.

  9. Hey nubzors, I"m in London atm will go back to Hungary on sunday so if any of you wanna grab a beer with me just let me know. Saturday would be the best for me.

  10. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

  11. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

  12. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

    1. BosnianArmy


      Buy the game Rust if you like adventure and surviveling. Watch on youtube.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  13. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

    1. BosnianArmy


      Adventure Capitalist, free game tho and it's adicted

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  14. ever have one of them 'ghost shits' where it just slides out your ass and leaves no sign of it being there and just leaves ur ass empty

  15. tfw ur college timetable gets changed and u start at 10am instead of 8:45 and the time u finish doesnt change

  16. tfw ur college timetable gets changed and u start at 10am instead of 8:45 and the time u finish doesnt change