Rescue Fox

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Everything posted by Rescue Fox

  1. I spent an hour trying to find a Corsair gold certified 500W supply.... The only ones I could find were bronze... Anyways, thank you Staab <3
  2. Dammit J this was the one problem I knew how to fix! Why did you steal my spotlight? ;-;
  3. Is Kratos the only regular? :c

  4. Too expensive :dave: Would this be better?
  5. Good luck m8 :>
  6. Wowzer, seem like an awesome guy, would love to chat with you sometime c: As always, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay!
  7. Heyo, back with more pc stuff :troll: Anyways my friend asked me to make him a gaming pc but he's on a tight budget ($400) So I was like "aight cuh lemmie get dis 4 chu" So I was wondering If this will give him the most bang for his buck if you will, here's what I picked out for him.
  8. Okay he thinks he could probably spend 600 at most (including the price of a monitor) Plus here's an updated list
  9. *UPDATE* Okay here's my build so far, this is probably the final product. It's a hundred dollars over my budget but I can probably sneak by it! Tell me what you guys think! Also thank you very much to everyone who has helped me with my ascension to the master race! (You know who you are :p) Well here's the build!
  10. Liking this song a lot right now~~
  11. It's blurry because I had to extend it Can you tell me the original dimensions?
  12. Here's a more square one Height: 150 Width: 150 87.9KB
  13. Is this okay? Height: 200 Width: 150 117.2 KB
  14. If I need to switch to a full tower I donbt think I can do it :/ Could you maybe help me find a mobo that could fit in a mid tower? :/ :facepalm: Just did some research and found out an ATX mobo could fit in a mid-tower Case
    1. Sentrex


      dunt u worry my love, u hav 5 frum me

    2. Rescue Fox
    3. Twix


      you're a 5 in my heart

  15. Oh...... xD sorry about that, I'll try and make do with that price
  16. Welcome to the forums!
  17. Ehh It's a bit more and too big (I would have to getr a new case) Do you think the mobo cat picked out would be okay?
  18. Your lord and savior yuno gasai spreading her love for her beloved yuki
  19. Honestly..... the comments are the best part about fakku

    1. Tinman


      watdafak is fakku?

    2. Twix


      its a lovely site where you can read chinese comics

    3. Rescue Fox
    4. Show next comments  3 more
    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      NO, I shall plague the raid forums with the glorious cum stained mark that is... ANIME!

    2. Sentrex
    3. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      Nothing lewd was happening on that page :dave: You would have been safe

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