Rescue Fox

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Everything posted by Rescue Fox

  1. Don't know, I'll ask him the next time I can speak with him
  2. Yup, the price is doable! thanks for the help c:
  3. .....Get out
  4. This is some good stuff! c:
  5. Trust me, wasn't even thinking of buying an OS xD and I've decided to go without the DVD driver as well
  6. shhhhh general Twix, we must not let the others know of our plans yet -Your weeaboo lord/leader Rescue Fox
  7. @Anti Having a conversation with his mates :troll:

  8. I already know the basis of what I need and how to go about building it...
  9. Didn't know Lossy liked chicks :troll:
  10. Oh? who's the couple? :troll:
  11. That means 10 days since the account was created, they really need to re-word that e.e
  12. Don't worry, I'll get on and rek em with my same cool hax :troll:
  13. TL;DR :troll: On a more serious note thank you for being the first person to give some actual helpful input instead of all these other nubs just saying "looks fine" :dave: Anyways, believe it or not that was actually my second choice for a GPU It's just that I knew that they were ever so slightly a bit more and I just wanted to cram the most into this for the price. Thank you for the RAM clarification, you were able to explain it very easily so my small adolescent mind could comprehend it ^_^ Okay, I'll try and look into it Thanks for all the help, both in my computer and this one!
  14. Here ya go -->Click<-- Also the custom is my case... It wasn't on the list :I
  15. Don't be fooled, oreo is swagdog in disguise!
  16. Is there anything I could change?
  17. you're clearly a hacker :ph34r:
  18. What mobo would you suggest? Also Is this good
  19. So there are no errors at all? When did this start happening?
  20. :wat: is there something up with your .gsv? (might not be the biggest help seeing as I'm a still a nub at this and cry to Zack when i need help)
  21. Wait, I'm confused, are you trying to build a fastfile and somethings fucking up?