Rescue Fox

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Everything posted by Rescue Fox

  1. I'm a Strong independent Kohai who dont need no Senpai

  2. 1v1 me rust interventions only

  3. Thank you all for the happy birthdays! And thank you twix for the gif of Kirinos ass c;
  5. nough said
  6. Have fun, and as always, Good Luck!
  7. When I try and sing a fast song

    1. Synd


      wtf is this

      anime is fakn weird

  8. Not gonna lie, jammed out to the song
  9. Have fun .... being productive? e.e
  10. >then we got married

    1. Pixel
    2. Twix


      happily after ending

    3. Pixel


      is that even a thing

  11. >at the bank >bank teller asks for email >gives it to her >pauses >she asks me if i like anime >me: o.o

    1. Darmuh


      What happened next?

    2. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      >To be continued in next status update<

    3. Headdy


      You married?

  12. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay on the servers ^_^
  13. Welcome to the forums m8! enjoy your stay ^_^
  14. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay :dave:
  15. Welcome m8! enjoy your stay c:
  16. Heyo! I was listening to this song and I thought it would make a good round ending song! Tell me your thoughts. Video
  17. Cya dude! Have fun getting shithoused xD
  18. Welcome back! glad you got through your health issues!
  19. ^_^
  20. Welcome to the forums!!!
  21. 0-9 Junior Member, 10-29 Member, 30-49 Advanced Member, 50-249 Member, 250+ Senior Member... :wat:

  22. Needs more guns, beer, eagles, and democracy *looks good, just fix the terrain........ and add more of the above*
  23. Looks good for doing it out of pure boredom o.o
  24. Welcome to the forums mate!!