Rescue Fox

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Status Updates posted by Rescue Fox

  1. Watch all of this video made by lord DEMO for maximum pleasure

    1. Nipples!


      Wut did i watch ; -;

  2. When I try and sing a fast song

    1. Synd


      wtf is this

      anime is fakn weird

  3. @Anti Having a conversation with his mates :troll:

  4. @swagdog y u hatin? down voting some of my posts for no reason make me cri

    1. siikdude


      Im always here for u

    2. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      It means everything!!!!

    3. Punk


      @Anti lies :dumb:

  5. *has -2 on profile* *cries because everyone hates me*

  6. *starts mapping* I have no idea what I'm doing.

    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      All hope is lost, end explorer process, delete system 32, and burn pc

    2. siikdude


      Just use prefabs and you're golden :troll:

    3. Darmuh


      Error 404: Hopes/Dreams not found.

  7. #saverankonspawn

    1. QueNNch


      - no idea what's that

  8. >at the bank >bank teller asks for email >gives it to her >pauses >she asks me if i like anime >me: o.o

    1. Darmuh


      What happened next?

    2. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      >To be continued in next status update<

    3. Headdy


      You married?

  9. >then we got married

    1. Pixel
    2. Twix


      happily after ending

    3. Pixel


      is that even a thing

  10. 0-9 Junior Member, 10-29 Member, 30-49 Advanced Member, 50-249 Member, 250+ Senior Member... :wat:

  11. 1v1 me rust interventions only

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      NO, I shall plague the raid forums with the glorious cum stained mark that is... ANIME!

    3. Sentrex
    4. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      Nothing lewd was happening on that page :dave: You would have been safe

  12. Anime is love, waifu is life :kappa:

  13. Anyone wanna do a bit of work for me? You'll be rewarded c: Add me on Steam if you do

  14. Disregard women, acquire currency

    1. Darmuh


      why not both?

  15. Doth thou even hoist?

  16. Frosted Flakes..... and Lucky Charms

    1. just_indian


      Apple jacks..... and cinnamon toast crunch

    2. Dolph1n


      YOUR BACK <3333

    3. Conker