Rescue Fox

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Status Replies posted by Rescue Fox

  1. I may just quit CoD solely because of hackers; wherever I look... even my friends. I just don't understand the alck of repect they must have.

  2. >at the bank >bank teller asks for email >gives it to her >pauses >she asks me if i like anime >me: o.o

  3. Top two things I say in chat: "i cri" and "rekt"

  4. Currently working on a scary maze which is to do with one of the secrets. Who likes clowns? ;)

  5. Swagdog has downvoted almost every single one of my posts ;-;

  6. Swagdog has downvoted almost every single one of my posts ;-;

  7. Most common thing I say while watching anime "She wants the D!!!!!"

    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      >General Discussion >Browser Themes >Theres your answer

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Most common thing I say while watching anime "She wants the D!!!!!"

    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      It's not an obsession, it's an addiction!........wait

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Most common thing I say while watching anime "She wants the D!!!!!"

    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      Anti, I'm going to take you under my wing and teach you the ways of anime.... and maybe a bit of hentai c; *cough* Fakku *cough*

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. People told me slow my roll I'm screaming out fuck that Imma do just what I want lookin’ ahead no turnin’ back

    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      key words: people told, roll, Imma do.... rtd for raid dr confirmed :troll:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. So being a complete nub like I am, I forgot how to add sounds(music ;_;) to a map. Can someone plz help me. I remeber some stuff on how to do it but I forgot most steps. :love:

  12. @swagdog y u hatin? down voting some of my posts for no reason make me cri

  13. *starts mapping* I have no idea what I'm doing.

  14. Screw it, Gonna start mapping

  15. I love how in all the [WIP] maps everyone's like "add unique traps and it'll be good" Lol, The activator doesnt even use those stupid things :troll: good map = good end rooms :troll:

    1. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      That's right Anti, you know what's up! And ew tilak, horrible taste :troll:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. AFK since end of June until middle of August but #whocares

  17. New video is up early!

  18. Whoever liked my posts so I could feel better is the real MVP