Rescue Fox

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Posts posted by Rescue Fox

  1. Rescue Fox makes jokes like I make jokes, horridly ^^



    If that was meant to be a joke, It was awful, You really think I'm going to make a map with 0 traps? You must be an idiot just to think because I've made a few shit maps in the past, that I would do that. you make a map and I would love to play it. 


    K thx. 

    Dude calm down, I was just making a joke about how activators never activate, so why put traps at all, that's all xD Sorry If I didn't deliver the joke properly or for making it at all. It was never meant to be an attack towards you or your previous work. I'm sorry If you took it that way.



    Oh and by the way, the map looks great so far, keep up the good work!
