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About West

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  • Birthday 07/18/95

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    North Dakota, USA


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  1. IF YOU ARE USING A NVIDIA GPU AND YOU HAVE TWO MONITORS, DO NOT INSTALL THE NEW DRIVERS. Sorry for caps, just don't want people to go through the bs that I went through. http://venturebeat.com/2016/03/07/some-nvidia-users-report-blue-screen-of-death-crashes-following-geforce-driver-update/

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BosnianArmy


      And with safemode you can use your old disk drivers that the company gave with the product, nub :>

    3. West


      That's what I did. But for some reason I couldn't launch into Safemode with network, Windows only gave me an option of [safemode] So I clicked it, and it just put me into what I was in. So idk.

    4. West


      Nubbiness aside, they've fixed the issue I think a day later, so I think this update is now useless so I'm gonna lock it, thanks for the help.