
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Beatthat

  1. check the chat xD that's only a small part of the chat btw, there were like 5 people that called me a hacker in one game o_o I made many people mad at once, what a great day!
  2. Wait... who said ESEA wasn't available in the EU? also, I don't have the time and pleasure to play csgo anymore anyway.
  3. I just played because i didnt want to get unranked, because i haven't played for almost a month
  4. just reached dmg :sir:
  5. ya, I'd suggest you to rename it to beretta_mp if you want it to replace the m9
  6. m1911_mp isn't a valid weapon, I'm sure you meant beretta_mp. Also, you don't need to precache standard pistols if you're making that map for deathrun. You're not getting any gun, because your weaponfile isn't in your mapname.iwd > "weapons" folder.
  7. Of course it did... There, first result in google:
  8. Congratz to the new server and trial admins!
  9. When will you be testing the map?
  10. Took me around 9 wins in a row to rank up from mg2 to mge
  11. disable bhop
  12. Cool lookin map voting system Would also like to see a new class selection menu, simillar to csgo
  13. this shit will take me half a day to download.
  14. Locked, since the giveaway is over.
  15. This one actually looks good, kinda looks like it's changing color
  16. funny how everyone in the dr community does it since i did it, get y0 own ideas.
  17. don't have anything amazing to share, so here's a shitty score from casual i got earlier this day. I know, casual is easy but most of my decent mm scores are like 20-13, 18-13 and so on, nothing worth to show.
  18. happy birthday :sir:
  19. congratz, you're now an adult. Your life has completely changed in the past few hours. Happy birthday
  20. Looks so good. Nice job!
  21. declined due overuse of nubness :troll:
  22. hey and welcome. i like your taste darmuh
  23. go suck a knob
  24. France... good for me even though i dont play much :dumb: