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Everything posted by Pixel

  1. That bump though
  2. Looking at your script, it doesn't even loop if I am correct? Ryan wanted it looping, Sentrex gave him the exact thing, in the simplest form, it's clean, and loops. You're is longer, all over the place, and doesn't do what Ryan asked. You've deleted stuff, Ryan wanted intervals of something like 6 seconds if I remember correctly. You get the idea.
  3. Oh well I tried <_<
  4. Make the fx a level, then delete the level after using a wait command or something.
  5. Who needs central heating when you've got a CPU like this? http://gyazo.com/71d800bf4bb90e157684e5a8e0e80caf

    1. Pixel


      What looked closer to what? You've not defined what Liverpool is suppose to be closer to? Gosh Lossy I thought you wanted to be a news reporter when you're older, I remember you telling me

    2. QueNNch


      Where you at Pixel

    3. Pixel


      Near Blackpool wbu

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. Or you can use: variable maps\mp\_utility::triggerOff(); variable maps\mp\_utility::triggerOn(); (For the death brushes instead of linking them to origins etc).
  7. Lighting doesn't really raise my awareness, obviously it could be better, but the brightness is decent; perhaps a bit too bright on the last picture. I don't have time to play the map at the moment, so can't really judge much, but the map seems cool. EDIT (For brightness): Unless there's dark parts where you've not shown in the screenshots of course. I am just judging via screenshots.
  8. Happeh Burfdai Tikak ^_^ av a gud 1 dood
  9. Centre Parcs? I've been there before, there's not a great ordeal to do for someone like you, perhaps if you're going with family it's a good laugh though.
  10. Bosnian's method is inspect element. I remember a few weeks ago when he figured it out and was craving about it in the shoutbox? Anyway here's my attempt on my laptop: 1st attempt, I suck :(
  11. Using arrays to create multiple brushes to turn in the same motion at individual / same time: Like this: Not this: (NOTE: The middle one being the centre axis it spins off if you get what I mean) thanks pal hope you find my dandy diagrams helpful :wub:
  12. Yes Lossy, what other thing? =o
  13. Oh I thought it has been done before, that's why I asked. Nvm, Tilak sorted it
  14. Hello and welcome to the forums! Can a CM remove the down vote for this post? I didn't mean it, I meant to up vote :(
  15. Welcome to the forums dude :)
  16. Congratulations on finding a label :) Who'd you find?
  17. @@Darmuh Tomorrowland is on my bucket list. Such a great atmosphere and many great stuff going on 24/7 :wub:
  18. 100% truth, I listened to this before you posted it here :3 Nice job with the song guys ^_^
  19. The survey posted suggests that the second week is best. Additional to that, I am sure everyone will still be off on the Friday due to Easter holidays
  20. I know someone called John, he's at Kemp Street Welcome :)
  21. @@BosnianArmy :cry: no hate I tried ok
  22. Just upgrade the GPU, I am sure you can afford that with Raid money =o
  23. I'd like to see your new computer specs in action with dat GTX 970
  24. It's a laptop, it's not going to have the best CPU cooling system in the world
  25. Is everyone happy to set the dates like this: Friday 10th April 2015 - Sunday 12th April 2015? They're looking like the most convenient: