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About Nipples!

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  1. Welcome :D
  2. HappyNiversity Raid <3 :dave:
  3. Dont hate and do-nate
  4. You made me laugh <3
  5. Thought i'd share this with you guys cause i personally really like it :D. :dave:
  6. Same * - *
  7. Iunno how to do what you did.... just clicky clicky ; -; TEACH ME SENPAI
  8. Yea me, Ninja, And Noise... where like best friends c: Would Skype / Play together everyday.
  9. o: .......................... You sound familiar. Really familiar :dave: if you knew ninja you probably knew me o.o.
  10. YouWotM8
  11. Oh you know i am c: What was your name in uWD o:?
  12. Isn't an album but i'll just leave this here - - Just copy pasta into your search bar > 3 < '' or click it .__. and my choice of music changes very often... i like 21 pilots though o.o''
  13. Yea that's good i guess! o: Idk a whole lot about pc specs but it looks good to me.
  14. You where in Rv? O.O? I mean i left the clan right about when rv was a thing, i was in like most of all uWD though.
  15. Wut did i watch o.o

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