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Status Replies posted by BlueSeven

  1. So I got accepted in to university about a week ago. Family just surprised me with this

  2. So I recently bought myself a PS4. If anyone has a PS4, you may add me, my PSN name is "Stevano97"

  3. Currently sitting in a hospital bed, had to have an operation on my balls because I had 'testicle torsion' it's very serious and could result in losing a testicle in under 6 hours, I didn't loose one, make sure you guys never get it as it's the worse pain ever, both before and after surgery

    1. BlueSeven


      Ooo man, that must be really hard for you, I hope you get through it. Good Luck <3

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  4. guess who got an early access code to play the battlefront beta early? ^.^

  5. got braces yesterday, rip

    1. BlueSeven


      Yh, trust me, you will be fine after some time :D

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Good luck Ninja.I hope to enjoy your new life. and please get a girl friend btw xd

  7. Should i get a AK-47 | Vulcan FT or an AWP | Hyper Beast Well Worn? Not sure on which to pick, i use both regularly. P.s. My friend is buying me it because he owes me money :dave:

  8. Finally back after a month of working and moving houses :D Anything happened recently? :p

    1. BlueSeven


      nothing has changed,, everyone is still a nub

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. Finally back after a month of working and moving houses :D Anything happened recently? :p

  10. Finally back after a month of working and moving houses :D Anything happened recently? :p

  11. Finally back after a month of working and moving houses :D Anything happened recently? :p