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Status Replies posted by Triton

  1. when you notice you have had gmod in your steam library since 14.12.2013 and havent played it even once :kingdave:

  2. Merry Christmas lads

  3. Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Going away for a week so that is why I am saying it early. I hope everyone has a lovely time with family and friends. Much love from the Nubcake <3

  4. start of this gives me mad shadow of evil vibes

    1. Triton


      10/10 for miming, 0/10 for black guy still saying focus *sigh*

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. RIP, last day of my holiday today. Travel day back tomorrow; oh the stress

  6. I've returned almighty Raidens. What kind of name is that? lmao

  7. just saw a kid in front of my house get arrested for smoking weed and there was 3 cop cars...america

  8. Changing the spawntime on fun server? gnaa

  9. tfw u have to sit down to piss

  10. Currently sitting in a hospital bed, had to have an operation on my balls because I had 'testicle torsion' it's very serious and could result in losing a testicle in under 6 hours, I didn't loose one, make sure you guys never get it as it's the worse pain ever, both before and after surgery