
Retired Admin
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Status Replies posted by Triton

  1. Never go full retard...

  2. literally about to quit csgo

  3. Wow, i'm super nervous about getting my GCSE results tomorrow :<

  4. Good luck to anyone else getting GCSE results tomorrow :sir:

  5. wooooooooow big purty <3
  6. BIRTHDAY!!!! :D (19) not 25

  7. Suggestions for 400 subs?

  8. That was quite mean whoever removed my post -.-'

  9. my time at raid has finally come to an end. k e k. m a t e

  10. Open sourcing Deathrun attracts more noobs, I need some anti-noob meds ASAP!

  11. 3 more exams to go after today... Ugh.

  12. Have something coming for ya'll in a bit :ph34r:

  13. why is csgo so fun

  14. Just got VACed on MW3 lol

  15. this will probably be my first song that i will finish and be proud of