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Posts posted by Triton

  1. Well hey there @Triton, please don't be fighting

    you think you can bring up this shit, without the rap alligning?

    I guess i shouldn't be suprised.

    and tbh, i'm not even gonna sign this

    (Not a Rap) Wasn't exactly fighting, just a bit of banter matey, bringing back great memories (;


  2. If you would like to report a hacker, then follow this extremly simple process!

    There is two options that you can take:


    Message an admin on Steam:

    A high majority of the time there will always be an admin online on steam, where we easily get the hacker that is hacking, at the exact moment he uses cheats, all you have to do is message one of our admin team and we will be ready to jump on the server and ban the perpetrator.

    Here's a list of the admins & their steam accounts : ADMINS


    Make A Ticket:

    Or you could choose option 2, what most players do when a hacker is online.

    A ticket is a report, that only admins can see. This is where they can judge on whether a cheater is actually cheating or if it a whole misunderstanding

    For a more in-depth look on how make a GOOD ticket, take a glance at grezwal's handy tutorial: REPORT HACKERS!
    After you have done that you can start a ticket, by clicking here -> Start a ticket
    Thank You
    After you have done either one of these options the hacker should be permanently banned from our servers for using the specfic cheat that he/she was using
    Thank you - Triton

  3. Hello all, Me and Bought Black ops 3, and received 2 BETA CODES EACH, SO 4 IN TOTAL!


    In order to enter you must obviously have a PC and have to reply to this post with anything you may like. All the names will be in a random generator to determine the winner!


    The beta gift will be given away tomorrow at any given time. I'll PM the user with the gift  ;)

    Good Luck Nublets<3


    EDIT: If you own black ops 2  on steam, you should have the game in your library already!


  4. lul its made by that guy that called me meanie things because i disliked his other map. Also i'd suggest removing the cj "secrets" since this guy doesn't know what a secret is and everyone will know how to get in it

    Yeah he disliked all my videos because i said logical things about his first sucky map, this map seems better however :'3


  5. Bumpity Bump Bump

    Since i don't think these maps were added maybe you could add them now? :P

    Also another map <3

    Map 1:
    Name of map: Deathrun_Nighty
    Difficulty: Easy, When activated Hard
    Length of map: Medium/Long
    Amount of traps: 12
    End rooms: Snipe, Old, Knife, Bounce, Weapon, Run
    Issues: Two dumb stupid, definetly need to be removed, absolutely stupid how these are possible | Two custom weapons(Intervention + RayGun) Intervention is the sniper room weapon

  6. Hey raid, this is basically a thread where you can show off your strangest or whatever you think is cool in a music video (Side note, this isn't your FAVOURITE SONG, theres another thread for that)

    Here's two of mine :P

    The infamous paper clip

    This takes quite a while to kick in, but gets kinda strange :P


  7. Not all admins can stay online 24/7, we have enough admins as it is, just not many play the promod server we only regularly come there for hackers if someone tells us about it, We just simply don't have the time to playing promod all the time, we have other commitments and other games to play


    If you want a 'hacker' removed from the server, add an admin on steam since majority of the time, @Caspa@Purity & @jwofles will be there ready to ban hackers

    All the admins are here, you just simply need to ask, that's all it takes.



  8. Right i see your problem ( vv )

    Basically you have just mixed up your name on the first word of your file

    In your case it should look like this
    Also in your csv you mentioned that its in your music folder ( sound,music/party,all_mp ) But in the CSV you said its in the mp_dr_shield location)

  9. There may be 4 reasons why you were unable to compile reflections:

    1. most obvious - script error
    2. reflection_probe is in solid (ex. inside of a brush)
    3. reflection_probe is outside of lightgrid
    4. too many reflection_probes

    Thank you for all your tips @BraXi, I'm probably gonna end up getting some help off of

    Also i've managed to fix my compile reflections problem, it sorted fixed itself idk why though, i might have changed something in the raw directory and not realised but oh well


  10. I only have two of my greatest years, so i'll add a further on little bit to it

    2014: Had one of the best year's with sorting out my confidence around other people, and generally feeling better about myself (Also talking to people on raid last year<3)


    2015: Totally changed into a different person to how i was 2Years ago, stepped up my confidence (Girlfriend, new friends etc) and i've focused more heavily on my subjects aswell, so come August 20th i hopefully should have great results, and lastly 2015 had NCS which was one of the best times of my life :')


    2016: To whatever the future may hold (It should be amazing)


  11. UPDATE: (Ish) The mapping is pretty much complete now, all that's left is to bug test and make sure that the map actually works with jumpers and activators (Knowing me i'd manage to fuck that up)

    The things that i know i need to do is 

    1. Add a loadscreen (will do soon), 2. Add some more stuff towards the end of map, traps etc, and make the end map room feel a bit more spacious


    Some screenshots, yeah.




    EDIT: We had a very successful test, thank you for helping my test guys:3

    This happened


  12. Weapon1 is giving you something that is already in cod4, the desert eagle

    Whereas Weapon & Weapon2 are trying to give you custom weapons, which is where you must of made a mistake, you are going to need to fix the weapons


    Also @Sentrex, when putting the script onto [code ] it doesn't show the correct identation, shown here:, On notepad++ it shows correctly formatted however on the forums it doesn't
