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Everything posted by daanbanaan

  1. Hey, My Activator part went black after a save. In map editor I can still see all of it, but when in game i use noclip to go there, but everything is black, and I cant walk there. JR-Imagine, if you read this, please accept my invite on skype? Would appriciate your help in Dutch, or Vlamish? Daan
  2. I dont have that much lights, but it still doesnt work. I'ts freakin me out. I don't know where the problem is... Stuck for 3 days.
  3. Ok, I can put unlimited lights everywhere? EDIT: Tried with 1 reflection probe, still red: http://prntscr.com/4hbu60 This is view in editor:http://prntscr.com/4hbuf9 Activator part is still black in game:http://prntscr.com/4hbunr and http://prntscr.com/4hbuww This is what it looks like in editor: http://prntscr.com/4hbv3o and http://prntscr.com/4hbvbv I dunno how to fix this shit... D: Daan
  4. This is what my lights look like in the jumpers part http://prntscr.com/4hb4fb It doesnt work, everything is still red. How do I have to solve that?
  5. Fuuu.... Wow... Too much information. Could you explain in Dutch in noob language in PM pls?